Full API documentation, automatically generated from doxygen comments.

class AEDAT3NetworkHeader : private aedat3_network_header

Public Functions

inline AEDAT3NetworkHeader()
inline AEDAT3NetworkHeader(const uint8_t *h)
inline int64_t getMagicNumber() const noexcept
inline bool checkMagicNumber() const noexcept
inline int64_t getSequenceNumber() const noexcept
inline void incrementSequenceNumber() noexcept
inline int8_t getVersionNumber() const noexcept
inline bool checkVersionNumber() const noexcept
inline int8_t getFormatNumber() const noexcept
inline void setFormatNumber(int8_t format) noexcept
inline int16_t getSourceID() const noexcept
inline void setSourceID(int16_t source) noexcept
struct caer_bias_coarsefine
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/davis.h>

On-chip coarse-fine bias current configuration. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.

Public Members

uint8_t coarseValue

Coarse current, from 0 to 7, creates big variations in output current.

uint8_t fineValue

Fine current, from 0 to 255, creates small variations in output current.

bool enabled

Whether this bias is enabled or not.

bool sexN

Bias sex: true for ‘N’ type, false for ‘P’ type.

bool typeNormal

Bias type: true for ‘Normal’, false for ‘Cascode’.

bool currentLevelNormal

Bias current level: true for ‘Normal, false for ‘Low’.

struct caer_bias_coarsefine1024
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dvs132s.h>

On-chip simplified coarse-fine bias current configuration. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.

Public Members

uint16_t coarseValue

Coarse current, from 0 to 1023, creates big variations in output current.

uint16_t fineValue

Fine current, from 0 to 1023, creates small variations in output current.

struct caer_bias_dynapse
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dynapse.h>

On-chip coarse-fine bias current configuration for Dynap-se. See ‘https://ai-ctx.com/support/’ section ‘Neuron’s behaviors and parameters tuning’.

Public Members

uint8_t biasAddress

Address of bias to configure, see DYNAPSE_CONFIG_BIAS_* defines.

uint8_t coarseValue

Coarse current, from 0 to 7, creates big variations in output current.

uint8_t fineValue

Fine current, from 0 to 255, creates small variations in output current.

bool enabled

Whether this bias is enabled or not.

bool sexN

Bias sex: true for ‘N’ type, false for ‘P’ type.

bool typeNormal

Bias type: true for ‘Normal’, false for ‘Cascode’.

bool biasHigh

Bias current level: true for ‘HighBias’, false for ‘LowBias’.

struct caer_bias_shiftedsource
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/davis.h>

On-chip shifted-source bias current configuration. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.

Public Members

uint8_t refValue

Shifted-source bias level, from 0 to 63.

uint8_t regValue

Shifted-source bias current for buffer amplifier, from 0 to 63.

enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_operating_mode operatingMode

Shifted-source operating mode (see ‘enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_operating_mode’).

enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_voltage_level voltageLevel

Shifted-source voltage level (see ‘enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_voltage_level’).

struct caer_bias_vdac
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/davis.h>

On-chip voltage digital-to-analog converter configuration. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.

Public Members

uint8_t voltageValue

Voltage, between 0 and 63, as a fraction of 1/64th of VDD=3.3V.

uint8_t currentValue

Current, between 0 and 7, that drives the voltage.

struct caer_davis_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/davis.h>

DAVIS device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t firmwareVersion

USB firmware version.

int16_t logicVersion

Logic (FPGA/CPLD) version.

int16_t chipID

Chip identifier/type.

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

bool muxHasStatistics

Feature test: Multiplexer statistics support (event drops).

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

bool dvsHasPixelFilter

Feature test: DVS pixel-level filtering.

bool dvsHasBackgroundActivityFilter

Feature test: DVS Background Activity filter (and Refractory Period filter).

bool dvsHasROIFilter

Feature test: DVS ROI filter.

bool dvsHasSkipFilter

Feature test: DVS event skip filter.

bool dvsHasPolarityFilter

Feature test: DVS polarity suppression filter.

bool dvsHasStatistics

Feature test: DVS statistics support.

int16_t apsSizeX

APS X axis resolution.

int16_t apsSizeY

APS Y axis resolution.

enum caer_frame_event_color_filter apsColorFilter

APS color filter type.

bool apsHasGlobalShutter

Feature test: APS supports Global Shutter.

enum caer_imu_types imuType

IMU chip type on device.

bool extInputHasGenerator

Feature test: External Input module supports Signal-Generation.

struct caer_device_discovery_result
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/device_discover.h>

Result of a device discovery operation. Contains the type of the device and its informational structure; use the device type to properly select the right info structure! In the info structures, ‘deviceID’ will always be set to -1 and ‘deviceString’ will always be NULL, as those are not present during the generic discovery phase.

Public Members

uint16_t deviceType
bool deviceErrorOpen
bool deviceErrorVersion
struct caer_dvs128_info dvs128Info
struct caer_edvs_info edvsInfo
struct caer_davis_info davisInfo
struct caer_dynapse_info dynapseInfo
struct caer_dvs132s_info dvs132sInfo
struct caer_dvx_info dvXplorerInfo
struct caer_samsung_evk_info samsungEVKInfo
union caer_device_discovery_result deviceInfo
struct caer_dvs128_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dvs128.h>

DVS128 device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t firmwareVersion

USB firmware version.

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

struct caer_dvs132s_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dvs132s.h>

DVS132S device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t firmwareVersion

USB firmware version.

int16_t logicVersion

Logic (FPGA/CPLD) version.

int16_t chipID

Chip identifier/type.

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

bool muxHasStatistics

Feature test: Multiplexer statistics support (event drops).

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

bool dvsHasStatistics

Feature test: DVS statistics support.

enum caer_imu_types imuType

IMU chip type on device.

bool extInputHasGenerator

Feature test: External Input module supports Signal-Generation.

struct caer_dvx_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dvxplorer.h>

DVXPLORER device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t firmwareVersion

USB firmware version.

int16_t logicVersion

Logic (FPGA/CPLD) version.

int16_t chipID

Chip identifier/type.

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

bool muxHasStatistics

Feature test: Multiplexer statistics support (event drops).

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

bool dvsHasStatistics

Feature test: DVS statistics support.

enum caer_imu_types imuType

IMU chip type on device.

bool extInputHasGenerator

Feature test: External Input module supports Signal-Generation.

struct caer_dynapse_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/dynapse.h>

Dynap-se device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t logicVersion

Logic (FPGA/CPLD) version.

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

int16_t logicClock

Clock in MHz for main logic (FPGA/CPLD).

int16_t chipID

Chip identifier/type.

bool aerHasStatistics

Feature test: AER (spikes) statistics support.

bool muxHasStatistics

Feature test: Multiplexer statistics support (event drops).

struct caer_edvs_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/edvs.h>

EDVS device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

bool deviceIsMaster

Whether the device is a time-stamp master or slave.

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

char serialPortName[64]

Connected serial port name (OS-specific).

uint32_t serialBaudRate

Serial connection baud-rate.

struct caer_filter_dvs_pixel
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/filters/dvs_noise.h>

Structure representing a single DVS pixel address, with X and Y components. Used in DVS filtering support.

Public Members

uint16_t x
uint16_t y
struct caer_samsung_evk_info
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices/samsung_evk.h>

SAMSUNG_EVK device-related information.

Public Members

int16_t deviceID

Unique device identifier. Also ‘source’ for events.

char deviceSerialNumber[8 + 1]

Device serial number.

uint8_t deviceUSBBusNumber

Device USB bus number.

uint8_t deviceUSBDeviceAddress

Device USB device address.

char *deviceString

Device information string, for logging purposes. If not NULL, pointed-to memory is only valid while the corresponding device is open! After calling deviceClose() this is invalid memory!

int16_t firmwareVersion

USB firmware version.

int16_t chipID

Chip identifier/type.

int16_t dvsSizeX

DVS X axis resolution.

int16_t dvsSizeY

DVS Y axis resolution.

class davis : public libcaer::devices::usb

Subclassed by libcaer::devices::davisfx2, libcaer::devices::davisfx3

Public Functions

inline davis(uint16_t deviceID)
inline davis(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_davis_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
inline void roiConfigure(uint16_t startX, uint16_t startY, uint16_t endX, uint16_t endY) const

Public Static Functions

static inline uint16_t biasVDACGenerate(const struct caer_bias_vdac vdacBias) noexcept
static inline struct caer_bias_vdac biasVDACParse(const uint16_t vdacBias) noexcept
static inline uint16_t biasCoarseFineGenerate(const struct caer_bias_coarsefine coarseFineBias) noexcept
static inline struct caer_bias_coarsefine biasCoarseFineParse(const uint16_t coarseFineBias) noexcept
static inline struct caer_bias_coarsefine biasCoarseFineFromCurrent(const uint32_t picoAmps) noexcept
static inline uint32_t biasCoarseFineToCurrent(const struct caer_bias_coarsefine coarseFineBias) noexcept
static inline uint16_t biasShiftedSourceGenerate(const struct caer_bias_shiftedsource shiftedSourceBias) noexcept
static inline struct caer_bias_shiftedsource biasShiftedSourceParse(const uint16_t shiftedSourceBias) noexcept

Protected Functions

inline davis(uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType)
inline davis(uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
class davisfx2 : public libcaer::devices::davis

Public Functions

inline davisfx2(uint16_t deviceID)
inline davisfx2(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
class davisfx3 : public libcaer::devices::davis

Public Functions

inline davisfx3(uint16_t deviceID)
inline davisfx3(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
class device

Subclassed by libcaer::devices::serial, libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

virtual ~device() = default
virtual std::string toString() const noexcept = 0
inline void sendDefaultConfig() const
inline void configSet(int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint32_t param) const
inline void configGet(int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint32_t *param) const
inline uint32_t configGet(int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr) const
inline void configGet64(int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t *param) const
inline uint64_t configGet64(int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr) const
inline void dataStart(void (*dataNotifyIncrease)(void *ptr), void (*dataNotifyDecrease)(void *ptr), void *dataNotifyUserPtr, void (*dataShutdownNotify)(void *ptr), void *dataShutdownUserPtr) const
inline void dataStop() const
inline std::unique_ptr<libcaer::events::EventPacketContainer> dataGet() const

Protected Functions

device() = default

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<struct caer_device_handle> handle
class discover

Public Static Functions

static inline std::vector<struct caer_device_discovery_result> device(int16_t deviceType)
static inline std::vector<struct caer_device_discovery_result> all()
static inline std::unique_ptr<libcaer::devices::device> open(uint16_t deviceID, const struct caer_device_discovery_result &discoveredDevice)
class dvs128 : public libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

inline dvs128(uint16_t deviceID)
inline dvs128(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_dvs128_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
class dvs132s : public libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

inline dvs132s(uint16_t deviceID)
inline dvs132s(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_dvs132s_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
class DVSNoise

Public Functions

inline DVSNoise(uint16_t sizeX, uint16_t sizeY)
~DVSNoise() = default
inline std::string toString() const noexcept
inline void configSet(uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t param) const
inline void configGet(uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t *param) const
inline uint64_t configGet(uint8_t paramAddr) const
inline std::vector<struct caer_filter_dvs_pixel> getHotPixels() const
inline void apply(caerPolarityEventPacket polarity) const noexcept
inline void apply(libcaer::events::PolarityEventPacket &polarity) const noexcept
inline void apply(libcaer::events::PolarityEventPacket *polarity) const noexcept
inline void apply(caerPolarityEventPacketConst polarity) const noexcept
inline void apply(const libcaer::events::PolarityEventPacket &polarity) const noexcept
inline void apply(const libcaer::events::PolarityEventPacket *polarity) const noexcept

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<struct caer_filter_dvs_noise> handle
class dvXplorer : public libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

inline dvXplorer(uint16_t deviceID)
inline dvXplorer(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_dvx_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
class dynapse : public libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

inline dynapse(uint16_t deviceID)
inline dynapse(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_dynapse_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
inline void sendDataToUSB(const uint32_t *data, size_t numConfig) const
inline void writeSramWords(const uint16_t *data, uint32_t baseAddr, size_t numWords) const
inline void writePoissonSpikeRate(uint16_t neuronAddr, float rateHz) const
inline void writeSram(uint8_t coreId, uint8_t neuronAddrCore, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t destinationCore) const
inline void writeSramN(uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t destinationCore) const
inline void writeCam(uint16_t inputNeuronAddr, uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t camId, uint8_t synapseType) const

Public Static Functions

static inline uint32_t biasDynapseGenerate(const struct caer_bias_dynapse dynapseBias) noexcept
static inline struct caer_bias_dynapse biasDynapseParse(const uint32_t dynapseBias) noexcept
static inline uint32_t generateCamBits(uint16_t inputNeuronAddr, uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t camId, uint8_t synapseType) noexcept
static inline uint32_t generateSramBits(uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t destinationCore) noexcept
static inline uint16_t coreXYToNeuronId(uint8_t coreId, uint8_t columnX, uint8_t rowY) noexcept
static inline uint16_t coreAddrToNeuronId(uint8_t coreId, uint8_t neuronAddrCore) noexcept
static inline uint16_t spikeEventGetX(const libcaer::events::SpikeEvent &event) noexcept
static inline uint16_t spikeEventGetY(const libcaer::events::SpikeEvent &event) noexcept
static inline uint16_t spikeEventGetX(const libcaer::events::SpikeEvent *event) noexcept
static inline uint16_t spikeEventGetY(const libcaer::events::SpikeEvent *event) noexcept
static inline libcaer::events::SpikeEvent spikeEventFromXY(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) noexcept
class edvs : public libcaer::devices::serial

Public Functions

inline edvs(uint16_t deviceID, const std::string &serialPortName, uint32_t serialBaudRate)
inline struct caer_edvs_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
class EventPacket

Subclassed by libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< FrameEventPacket, FrameEvent >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< IMU6EventPacket, IMU6Event >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< IMU9EventPacket, IMU9Event >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< PolarityEventPacket, PolarityEvent >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< SpecialEventPacket, SpecialEvent >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< SpikeEventPacket, SpikeEvent >, libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon< PKT, EVT >

Public Types

enum class copyTypes


enumerator FULL
enumerator EVENTS_ONLY
using value_type = GenericEvent
using const_value_type = const GenericEvent
using pointer = GenericEvent*
using const_pointer = const GenericEvent*
using reference = GenericEvent&
using const_reference = const GenericEvent&
using size_type = int32_t
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t

Public Functions

inline EventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline virtual ~EventPacket()
inline EventPacket(const EventPacket &rhs)
inline EventPacket &operator=(const EventPacket &rhs)
inline EventPacket(EventPacket &&rhs) noexcept
inline EventPacket &operator=(EventPacket &&rhs)
inline bool operator==(const EventPacket &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator!=(const EventPacket &rhs) const noexcept
inline int16_t getEventType() const noexcept
inline void setEventType(int16_t eventType)
inline int16_t getEventSource() const noexcept
inline void setEventSource(int16_t eventSource)
inline int32_t getEventSize() const noexcept
inline void setEventSize(int32_t eventSize)
inline int32_t getEventTSOffset() const noexcept
inline void setEventTSOffset(int32_t eventTSOffset)
inline int32_t getEventTSOverflow() const noexcept
inline void setEventTSOverflow(int32_t eventTSOverflow)
inline int32_t getEventCapacity() const noexcept
inline void setEventCapacity(int32_t eventCapacity)
inline int32_t getEventNumber() const noexcept
inline void setEventNumber(int32_t eventNumber)
inline int32_t getEventValid() const noexcept
inline void setEventValid(int32_t eventValid)
inline const_value_type genericGetEvent(size_type index) const
inline int64_t getDataSize() const noexcept
inline int64_t getSize() const noexcept
inline int64_t getDataSizeEvents() const noexcept
inline int64_t getSizeEvents() const noexcept
inline void clear() noexcept
inline void clean() noexcept
inline void resize(size_type newEventCapacity)
inline void shrink_to_fit()
inline void grow(size_type newEventCapacity)
inline void append(const EventPacket &appendPacket)
inline std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> copy(copyTypes ct) const
inline void swap(EventPacket &rhs)
inline caerEventPacketHeader getHeaderPointer() noexcept
inline caerEventPacketHeaderConst getHeaderPointer() const noexcept
inline bool isPacketMemoryOwner() const noexcept
inline caerEventPacketHeader getHeaderPointerForCOutput() noexcept
inline size_type capacity() const noexcept
inline size_type size() const noexcept
inline bool empty() const noexcept

Protected Functions

inline EventPacket()
inline virtual std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> virtualCopy(copyTypes ct) const
inline size_type getEventIndex(size_type index, bool limitIsCapacity) const

Protected Attributes

caerEventPacketHeader header
bool isMemoryOwner

Protected Static Functions

static inline caerEventPacketHeader internalCopy(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header, copyTypes ct)
static inline void constructorCheckCapacitySourceTSOverflow(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
static inline void constructorCheckNullptr(const void *packet)
static inline void constructorCheckEventType(caerEventPacketHeaderConst packet, int16_t type)
template<class PKT, class EVT>
class EventPacketCommon : public libcaer::events::EventPacket

Public Types

using value_type = EVT
using const_value_type = const EVT
using pointer = EVT*
using const_pointer = const EVT*
using reference = EVT&
using const_reference = const EVT&
using size_type = int32_t
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator = EventPacketIterator<value_type>
using const_iterator = EventPacketIterator<const_value_type>
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>

Public Functions

inline reference getEvent(size_type index)
inline const_reference getEvent(size_type index) const
inline reference operator[](size_type index)
inline const_reference operator[](size_type index) const
inline reference front()
inline const_reference front() const
inline reference back()
inline const_reference back() const
inline std::unique_ptr<PKT> copy(copyTypes ct) const
inline iterator begin() noexcept
inline iterator end() noexcept
inline const_iterator begin() const noexcept
inline const_iterator end() const noexcept
inline const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
inline const_iterator cend() const noexcept
inline reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept
inline reverse_iterator rend() noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept

Protected Functions

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> virtualCopy(copyTypes ct) const override
virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept = 0
virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept = 0
class EventPacketContainer

Public Types

using value_type = std::shared_ptr<EventPacket>
using const_value_type = std::shared_ptr<const EventPacket>
using size_type = int32_t
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using iterator = EventPacketContainerCopyIterator<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventPacket>>::iterator, std::shared_ptr<EventPacket>>
using const_iterator = EventPacketContainerCopyIterator<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventPacket>>::const_iterator, std::shared_ptr<const EventPacket>>
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>

Public Functions

inline EventPacketContainer()

Construct a new EventPacketContainer.

inline EventPacketContainer(size_type eventPacketsNumber)

Construct a new EventPacketContainer with enough space to store up to the given number of event packet pointers. The pointers are present and initialized to nullptr.


eventPacketsNumber – the initial number of event packet pointers that can be stored in this container. Must be equal to one or higher.

inline EventPacketContainer(caerEventPacketContainer packetContainer, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)

Construct a new EventPacketContainer from a C-style caerEventPacketContainer. The contained packets can take over memory ownership if so requested.

  • packetContainer – C-style caerEventPacketContainer from which to initialize the new packet container.

  • takeMemoryOwnership – true if the container packets shall take over the ownership of the memory containing the events from the C-style packets.

inline size_type capacity() const noexcept
inline size_type size() const noexcept
inline bool empty() const noexcept
inline void clear() noexcept
inline value_type getEventPacket(size_type index)

Get the pointer to the event packet stored in this container at the given index.


index – the index of the event packet to get.


std:out_of_range – no packet exists at given index.


a pointer to an event packet.

inline value_type operator[](size_type index)
inline const_value_type getEventPacket(size_type index) const

Get the pointer to the event packet stored in this container at the given index. This is a read-only event packet, do not change its contents in any way!


index – the index of the event packet to get.


std:out_of_range – no packet exists at given index.


a pointer to a read-only event packet.

inline const_value_type operator[](size_type index) const
inline void setEventPacket(size_type index, value_type packetHeader)

Set the pointer to the event packet stored in this container at the given index. The index must be valid already, this does not change the container size.

  • index – the index of the event packet to set.

  • packetHeader – a pointer to an event packet. Can be a nullptr.


std:out_of_range – no packet exists at given index.

inline void addEventPacket(value_type packetHeader)

Add an event packet pointer at the end of this container. Increases container size by one.


packetHeader – a pointer to an event packet. Can be a nullptr.

inline int64_t getLowestEventTimestamp() const noexcept

Get the lowest timestamp contained in this event packet container.


the lowest timestamp (in µs) or -1 if not initialized.

inline int64_t getHighestEventTimestamp() const noexcept

Get the highest timestamp contained in this event packet container.


the highest timestamp (in µs) or -1 if not initialized.

inline int32_t getEventsNumber() const noexcept

Get the number of events contained in this event packet container.


the number of events in this container.

inline int32_t getEventsValidNumber() const noexcept

Get the number of valid events contained in this event packet container.


the number of valid events in this container.

inline void updateStatistics() noexcept

Recalculates and updates all the packet-container level statistics (event counts and timestamps).

inline value_type findEventPacketByType(int16_t typeID)

Get the pointer to an event packet stored in this container with the given event type. This returns the first found event packet with that type ID, or nullptr if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.


typeID – the event type to search for.


a pointer to an event packet with a certain type or nullptr if none found.

inline std::unique_ptr<std::vector<value_type>> findEventPacketsByType(int16_t typeID)
inline const_value_type findEventPacketByType(int16_t typeID) const

Get the pointer to a read-only event packet stored in this container with the given event type. This returns the first found event packet with that type ID, or nullptr if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.


typeID – the event type to search for.


a pointer to a read-only event packet with a certain type or nullptr if none found.

inline std::unique_ptr<std::vector<const_value_type>> findEventPacketsByType(int16_t typeID) const
inline value_type findEventPacketBySource(int16_t sourceID)

Get the pointer to an event packet stored in this container from the given event source. This returns the first found event packet with that source ID, or nullptr if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.


sourceID – the event source to search for.


a pointer to an event packet with a certain source or nullptr if none found.

inline std::unique_ptr<std::vector<value_type>> findEventPacketsBySource(int16_t sourceID)
inline const_value_type findEventPacketBySource(int16_t sourceID) const

Get the pointer to a read-only event packet stored in this container from the given event source. This returns the first found event packet with that source ID, or nullptr if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.


sourceID – the event source to search for.


a pointer to a read-only event packet with a certain source or nullptr if none found.

inline std::unique_ptr<std::vector<const_value_type>> findEventPacketsBySource(int16_t sourceID) const
inline std::unique_ptr<EventPacketContainer> copyAllEvents() const

Make a deep copy of this event packet container and all of its event packets and their current events. A normal copy (using copy constructor or assignment) copies all the container’s internals, and correctly handles the pointers to the event packets held in it, but those will still point to the old event packets. To also copy the individual event packets and point to the new copies, use this function.


a deep copy of this event packet container, containing all events.

inline std::unique_ptr<EventPacketContainer> copyValidEvents() const

Make a deep copy of this event packet container, with its event packets sized down to only include the currently valid events (eventValid), and discarding everything else. A normal copy (using copy constructor or assignment) copies all the container’s internals, and correctly handles the pointers to the event packets held in it, but those will still point to the old event packets. To also copy the individual event packets and point to the new copies, use this function.


a deep copy of this event packet container, containing only valid events.

inline iterator begin() noexcept
inline iterator end() noexcept
inline const_iterator begin() const noexcept
inline const_iterator end() const noexcept
inline const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
inline const_iterator cend() const noexcept
inline reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept
inline reverse_iterator rend() noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept
inline const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept

Private Members

int64_t lowestEventTimestamp

Smallest event timestamp contained in this packet container.

int64_t highestEventTimestamp

Largest event timestamp contained in this packet container.

int32_t eventsNumber

Number of events contained within all the packets in this container.

int32_t eventsValidNumber

Number of valid events contained within all the packets in this container.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventPacket>> eventPackets

Vector of pointers to the actual event packets.

template<class InteralIterator, class SharedPtrType>
class EventPacketContainerCopyIterator

Public Types

using iterator_category = typename InteralIterator::iterator_category
using value_type = SharedPtrType
using pointer = const SharedPtrType*
using reference = const SharedPtrType&
using difference_type = typename InteralIterator::difference_type
using size_type = typename InteralIterator::difference_type

Public Functions

inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator()
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator(InteralIterator _eventPacketsIterator)
inline reference operator*() const noexcept
inline pointer operator->() const noexcept
inline reference operator[](size_type idx) const noexcept
inline bool operator==(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator!=(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator<(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator>(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator<=(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator>=(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &operator++() noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator operator++(int) noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &operator--() noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator operator--(int) noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &operator+=(size_type add) noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator operator+(size_type add) const noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &operator-=(size_type sub) noexcept
inline EventPacketContainerCopyIterator operator-(size_type sub) const noexcept
inline difference_type operator-(const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline void swap(EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) noexcept

Private Members

InteralIterator eventPacketsIterator
mutable SharedPtrType currElement


inline friend EventPacketContainerCopyIterator operator+(size_type lhs, const EventPacketContainerCopyIterator &rhs) noexcept
template<class T>
class EventPacketIterator

Public Types

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag
using value_type = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type
using pointer = T*
using reference = T&
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
using size_type = int32_t

Public Functions

inline EventPacketIterator()
inline EventPacketIterator(eventPtrType _eventPtr, size_t _eventSize)
inline reference operator*() const noexcept
inline pointer operator->() const noexcept
inline reference operator[](size_type index) const noexcept
inline bool operator==(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator!=(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator<(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator>(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator<=(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator>=(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator &operator++() noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator operator++(int) noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator &operator--() noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator operator--(int) noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator &operator+=(size_type add) noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator operator+(size_type add) const noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator &operator-=(size_type sub) noexcept
inline EventPacketIterator operator-(size_type sub) const noexcept
inline difference_type operator-(const EventPacketIterator &rhs) const noexcept
inline void swap(EventPacketIterator &rhs) noexcept

Private Types

using eventPtrType = typename std::conditional<std::is_const<T>::value, const uint8_t*, uint8_t*>::type

Private Members

eventPtrType eventPtr
size_t eventSize


inline friend EventPacketIterator operator+(size_type lhs, const EventPacketIterator &rhs) noexcept
struct FrameEvent : public caer_frame_event
#include </builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaercpp/events/frame.hpp>

Assignment/Move Constructors/Operators cannot be used with Frame Events due to their particular memory layout that is not entirely known to the compiler (dynamic pixel array). As such those constructors and operators are disabled. Please use caerGenericEventCopy() to copy frame events!

Public Types

enum class colorChannels


enumerator GRAYSCALE

Grayscale, one channel only.

enumerator RGB

Red Green Blue, 3 color channels.

enumerator RGBA

Red Green Blue Alpha, 3 color channels plus transparency.

enum class colorFilter


enumerator MONO

No color filter present, all light passes.

enumerator RGBG

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 1.

enumerator GRGB

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 2.

enumerator GBGR

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 3.

enumerator BGRG

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 4.

enumerator RGBW

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 1.

enumerator GRWB

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 2.

enumerator WBGR

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 3.

enumerator BWRG

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 4.

Public Functions

FrameEvent() = default
FrameEvent(const FrameEvent &rhs) = delete
FrameEvent &operator=(const FrameEvent &rhs) = delete
FrameEvent(FrameEvent &&rhs) = delete
FrameEvent &operator=(FrameEvent &&rhs) = delete
inline int32_t getTSStartOfFrame() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTSStartOfFrame64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTSStartOfFrame(int32_t ts)
inline int32_t getTSEndOfFrame() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTSEndOfFrame64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTSEndOfFrame(int32_t ts)
inline int32_t getTSStartOfExposure() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTSStartOfExposure64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTSStartOfExposure(int32_t ts)
inline int32_t getTSEndOfExposure() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTSEndOfExposure64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTSEndOfExposure(int32_t ts)
inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline int32_t getExposureLength() const noexcept
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline uint8_t getROIIdentifier() const noexcept
inline void setROIIdentifier(uint8_t roiIdent) noexcept
inline colorFilter getColorFilter() const noexcept
inline void setColorFilter(colorFilter cFilter) noexcept
inline int32_t getLengthX() const noexcept
inline int32_t getLengthY() const noexcept
inline colorChannels getChannelNumber() const noexcept
inline void setLengthXLengthYChannelNumber(int32_t lenX, int32_t lenY, colorChannels cNumber, const EventPacket &packet)
inline size_t getPixelsMaxIndex() const noexcept
inline size_t getPixelsSize() const noexcept
inline int32_t getPositionX() const noexcept
inline void setPositionX(int32_t posX) noexcept
inline int32_t getPositionY() const noexcept
inline void setPositionY(int32_t posY) noexcept
inline uint16_t getPixel(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress) const
inline void setPixel(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint16_t pixelValue)
inline uint16_t getPixel(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel) const
inline void setPixel(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel, uint16_t pixelValue)
inline uint16_t getPixelUnsafe(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress) const noexcept
inline void setPixelUnsafe(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint16_t pixelValue) noexcept
inline uint16_t getPixelUnsafe(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel) const noexcept
inline void setPixelUnsafe(int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel, uint16_t pixelValue) noexcept
inline uint16_t *getPixelArrayUnsafe() noexcept
inline const uint16_t *getPixelArrayUnsafe() const noexcept
class FrameEventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<FrameEventPacket, FrameEvent>

Public Types

enum class demosaicTypes


enumerator STANDARD
enumerator TO_GRAY
enum class contrastTypes


enumerator STANDARD

Public Functions

inline FrameEventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow, int32_t maxLengthX, int32_t maxLengthY, int16_t maxChannelNumber)
inline FrameEventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow, int32_t maxNumPixels, int16_t maxChannelNumber)
inline FrameEventPacket(caerFrameEventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline FrameEventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline size_t getPixelsSize() const noexcept
inline size_t getPixelsMaxIndex() const noexcept
inline std::unique_ptr<FrameEventPacket> demosaic(demosaicTypes demosaicType) const
inline void contrast(contrastTypes contrastType) noexcept

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
struct GenericEvent

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64() const noexcept
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void copy(void *eventPtrDestination, caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtrDestination) const
inline void copy(struct GenericEvent &destinationEvent) const
inline void copy(struct GenericEvent *destinationEvent) const

Public Members

const void *event
caerEventPacketHeaderConst header
struct IMU6Event : public caer_imu6_event

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTimestamp(int32_t ts)
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline float getAccelX() const noexcept
inline void setAccelX(float accelX) noexcept
inline float getAccelY() const noexcept
inline void setAccelY(float accelY) noexcept
inline float getAccelZ() const noexcept
inline void setAccelZ(float accelZ) noexcept
inline float getGyroX() const noexcept
inline void setGyroX(float gyroX) noexcept
inline float getGyroY() const noexcept
inline void setGyroY(float gyroY) noexcept
inline float getGyroZ() const noexcept
inline void setGyroZ(float gyroZ) noexcept
inline float getTemp() const noexcept
inline void setTemp(float t) noexcept
class IMU6EventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<IMU6EventPacket, IMU6Event>

Public Functions

inline IMU6EventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
inline IMU6EventPacket(caerIMU6EventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline IMU6EventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
struct IMU9Event : public caer_imu9_event

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTimestamp(int32_t ts)
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline float getAccelX() const noexcept
inline void setAccelX(float accelX) noexcept
inline float getAccelY() const noexcept
inline void setAccelY(float accelY) noexcept
inline float getAccelZ() const noexcept
inline void setAccelZ(float accelZ) noexcept
inline float getGyroX() const noexcept
inline void setGyroX(float gyroX) noexcept
inline float getGyroY() const noexcept
inline void setGyroY(float gyroY) noexcept
inline float getGyroZ() const noexcept
inline void setGyroZ(float gyroZ) noexcept
inline float getTemp() const noexcept
inline void setTemp(float t) noexcept
inline float getCompX() const noexcept
inline void setCompX(float compX) noexcept
inline float getCompY() const noexcept
inline void setCompY(float compY) noexcept
inline float getCompZ() const noexcept
inline void setCompZ(float compZ) noexcept
class IMU9EventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<IMU9EventPacket, IMU9Event>

Public Functions

inline IMU9EventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
inline IMU9EventPacket(caerIMU9EventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline IMU9EventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
struct PolarityEvent : public caer_polarity_event

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTimestamp(int32_t ts)
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline bool getPolarity() const noexcept
inline void setPolarity(bool pol) noexcept
inline uint16_t getY() const noexcept
inline void setY(uint16_t y) noexcept
inline uint16_t getX() const noexcept
inline void setX(uint16_t x) noexcept
class PolarityEventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<PolarityEventPacket, PolarityEvent>

Public Functions

inline PolarityEventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
inline PolarityEventPacket(caerPolarityEventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline PolarityEventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
template<typename T>
class RingBuffer

Public Functions

inline RingBuffer(size_t sz)
inline bool operator==(const RingBuffer &rhs) const noexcept
inline bool operator!=(const RingBuffer &rhs) const noexcept
inline void put(const T &elem)
inline bool full() const noexcept
inline T get()
inline T look() const
inline bool empty() const noexcept

Private Members

size_t putPos
size_t getPos
std::vector<std::atomic<T>> elements
const size_t sizeAdj
const T placeholder
class samsungEVK : public libcaer::devices::usb

Public Functions

inline samsungEVK(uint16_t deviceID)
inline samsungEVK(uint16_t deviceID, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
inline struct caer_samsung_evk_info infoGet() const noexcept
inline virtual std::string toString() const noexcept override
class serial : public libcaer::devices::device

Subclassed by libcaer::devices::edvs

Protected Functions

inline serial(uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType, const std::string &serialPortName, uint32_t serialBaudRate)
struct SpecialEvent : public caer_special_event

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTimestamp(int32_t ts)
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline uint8_t getType() const noexcept
inline void setType(uint8_t t) noexcept
inline uint32_t getData() const noexcept
inline void setData(uint32_t d) noexcept
class SpecialEventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<SpecialEventPacket, SpecialEvent>

Public Functions

inline SpecialEventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
inline SpecialEventPacket(caerSpecialEventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline SpecialEventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline reference findEventByType(uint8_t type)
inline const_reference findEventByType(uint8_t type) const
inline reference findValidEventByType(uint8_t type)
inline const_reference findValidEventByType(uint8_t type) const

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
struct SpikeEvent : public caer_spike_event

Public Functions

inline int32_t getTimestamp() const noexcept
inline int64_t getTimestamp64(const EventPacket &packet) const noexcept
inline void setTimestamp(int32_t ts)
inline bool isValid() const noexcept
inline void validate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline void invalidate(EventPacket &packet) noexcept
inline uint8_t getSourceCoreID() const noexcept
inline void setSourceCoreID(uint8_t coreID) noexcept
inline uint8_t getChipID() const noexcept
inline void setChipID(uint8_t chipID) noexcept
inline uint32_t getNeuronID() const noexcept
inline void setNeuronID(uint32_t neuronID) noexcept
class SpikeEventPacket : public libcaer::events::EventPacketCommon<SpikeEventPacket, SpikeEvent>

Public Functions

inline SpikeEventPacket(size_type eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)
inline SpikeEventPacket(caerSpikeEventPacket packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)
inline SpikeEventPacket(caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader, bool takeMemoryOwnership = true)

Protected Functions

inline virtual reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) noexcept override
inline virtual const_reference virtualGetEvent(size_type index) const noexcept override
class usb : public libcaer::devices::device

Subclassed by libcaer::devices::davis, libcaer::devices::dvXplorer, libcaer::devices::dvs128, libcaer::devices::dvs132s, libcaer::devices::dynapse, libcaer::devices::samsungEVK

Protected Functions

inline usb(uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType)
inline usb(uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const std::string &serialNumberRestrict)
namespace libcaer
namespace devices
namespace events
namespace utils


inline std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> makeUniqueFromCStruct(caerEventPacketHeader packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership)
inline std::shared_ptr<EventPacket> makeSharedFromCStruct(caerEventPacketHeader packet, bool takeMemoryOwnership)
inline enum caer_frame_utils_pixel_color getPixelColor(libcaer::events::FrameEvent::colorFilter cFilter, int32_t x, int32_t y)
inline enum caer_frame_utils_pixel_color getPixelColor(enum caer_frame_event_color_filter cFilter, int32_t x, int32_t y)
namespace filters
namespace log


enum class logLevel


enumerator EMERGENCY
enumerator ALERT
enumerator CRITICAL
enumerator ERROR
enumerator WARNING
enumerator NOTICE
enumerator INFO
enumerator DEBUG


inline void logLevelSet(logLevel l) noexcept
inline logLevel logLevelGet() noexcept
inline void callbackSet(caerLogCallback callback) noexcept
inline caerLogCallback callbackGet() noexcept
inline void fileDescriptorsSet(int fd1, int fd2) noexcept
inline int fileDescriptorsGetFirst() noexcept
inline int fileDescriptorsGetSecond() noexcept
inline void log(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, ...) noexcept
inline void logVA(logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept
inline void logVAFull(uint8_t systemLogLevel, logLevel l, const char *subSystem, const char *format, va_list args) noexcept
inline void disable(bool disableLogging) noexcept
inline bool disabled() noexcept
namespace network
namespace ringbuffer
file davis.h
#include “../events/frame.h
#include “../events/imu6.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “imu_support.h
#include “usb.h

DAVIS specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for iniVation DAVIS FX2-based boards, like DAVIS240a/b/c. Deprecated in favor of CAER_DEVICE_DAVIS.


Device type definition for iniVation DAVIS FX3-based boards, like DAVIS346. Deprecated in favor of CAER_DEVICE_DAVIS.


Device type definition for iniVation DAVIS boards, supporting both FX2 and FX3 generation devices. This is the preferred way to access cameras now.


Device type definition for iniVation Raspberry Pi-based DAVIS boards. REMOVED, OBSOLETE!


DAVIS240A chip identifier. 240x180, no color, no global shutter.


DAVIS240B chip identifier. 240x180, no color, 50 test columns left-side.


DAVIS240C chip identifier. 240x180, no color.


DAVIS128 chip identifier. 128x128, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS346A chip identifier. 346x260, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS346B chip identifier. 346x260, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS640 chip identifier. 640x480, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS640H chip identifier. 640x480 APS, 320x240 DVS, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS208 chip identifier. 208x192, special sensitive test pixels, color possible, internal ADC.


DAVIS346C chip identifier. 346x260, BSI, color possible, internal ADC.


Macros to check a chip identifier integer against the known chip types. Returns true if a chip identifier matches, false otherwise.


Module address: device-side Multiplexer configuration. The Multiplexer is responsible for mixing, timestamping and outputting (via USB) the various event types generated by the device. It is also responsible for timestamp generation and synchronization.


Module address: device-side DVS configuration. The DVS state machine handshakes with the chip’s AER bus and gets the polarity events from it. It supports various configurable delays, as well as advanced filtering capabilities on the polarity events.


Module address: device-side APS (Frame) configuration. The APS (Active-Pixel-Sensor) is responsible for getting the normal, synchronous frame from the camera chip. It supports various options for very precise timing control, as well as Region of Interest imaging.


Module address: device-side IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration. The IMU module connects to the external IMU chip and sends data on the device’s movement in space. It can configure various options on the external chip, such as accelerometer range or gyroscope refresh rate.


Module address: device-side External Input (signal detector/generator) configuration. The External Input module is used to detect external signals on the external input jack and inject an event into the event stream when this happens. It can detect pulses of a specific length or rising and falling edges. On some systems, a signal generator module is also present, which can generate PWM-like pulsed signals with configurable timing.


Module address: device-side chip bias configuration. Shared with DAVIS_CONFIG_CHIP. This state machine is responsible for configuring the chip’s bias generator.


Module address: device-side chip control configuration. Shared with DAVIS_CONFIG_BIAS. This state machine is responsible for configuring the chip’s internal control shift registers, to set special options.


Module address: device-side system information. The system information module provides various details on the device, such as currently installed logic revision or clock speeds. All its parameters are read-only. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation for more details on what information is available.


Module address: device-side USB output configuration. The USB output module forwards the data from the device and the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, usually a Cypress FX2 or FX3.


Module address: device-side DDR-AER output configuration. The DDR-AER output module forwards the data from the device and the FPGA/CPLD to some external device using a 4-phase handshake with data on both flanks.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: run the Multiplexer state machine, which is responsible for mixing the various event types at the device level, timestamping them and outputting them via USB or other connectors.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: run the Timestamp Generator inside the Multiplexer state machine, which will provide microsecond accurate timestamps to the events passing through.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: reset the Timestamp Generator to zero. This also sends a reset pulse to all connected slave devices, resetting their timestamp too.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: power up the chip’s bias generator, enabling the chip to work.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: drop External Input events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: drop DVS events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped External Input events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped DVS events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the X axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the Y axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y axes, whether they should be inverted or not on the host when parsing incoming events. Bit 2: dvsInvertXY Bit 1: reserved Bit 0: reserved This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: run the DVS state machine and get polarity events from the chip by handshaking with its AER bus.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: if the output FIFO for this module is full, stall the AER handshake with the chip and wait until it’s free again, instead of just continuing the handshake and dropping the resulting events.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: enable external AER control. This ensures the chip and the DVS pixel array are running, but doesn’t do the handshake and leaves the ACK pin in high-impedance, to allow for an external system to take over the AER communication with the chip. DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_RUN has to be turned off for this to work.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the pixel filter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 0, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 0, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 1, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 1, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 2, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 2, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 3, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 3, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 4, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 4, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 5, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 5, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 6, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 6, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 7, Y axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: the pixel filter completely suppresses up to eight pixels in the DVS array, filtering out all events produced by them. This is the pixel 7, X axis setting.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the background-activity filter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: enable the background-activity filter, which tries to remove events caused by transistor leakage, by rejecting uncorrelated events.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: specify the time difference constant for the background-activity filter. Range: 0 - 4095, in 250µs units. Events that are correlated within this time-frame are let through, while others are filtered out.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: enable the refractory period filter, which limits the firing rate of pixels. This is supported together with the background-activity filter.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: specify the time constant for the refractory period filter. Range: 0 - 4095, in 250µs units. Pixels will be inhibited from generating new events during this time after the last even has fired.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the ROI filter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: start position on the X axis for Region of Interest. Must be between 0 and DVS_SIZE_X-1, and be smaller or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_ROI_END_COLUMN.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: start position on the Y axis for Region of Interest. Must be between 0 and DVS_SIZE_Y-1, and be smaller or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_ROI_END_ROW.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: end position on the X axis for Region of Interest. Must be between 0 and DVS_SIZE_X-1, and be greater or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_ROI_START_COLUMN.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: end position on the Y axis for Region of Interest. Must be between 0 and DVS_SIZE_Y-1, and be greater or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_ROI_START_ROW.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the event skip filter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: enable the event skip filter, which simply throws away one event every N events (decimation filter).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: number of events to let through before skipping one. Range: 0 - 255 events.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the polarity suppression filter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: flatten all polarities to OFF (0).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: suppress one of the two ON/OFF polarities completely. Use DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_POLARITY_IGNORE to select which.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: polarity to suppress (0=OFF, 1=ON). Use DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS_FILTER_POLARITY_IGNORE to enable.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of row event transactions completed on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of column event transactions completed on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped transaction sequences on the device due to full buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped events due to the pixel filter. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped events due to the background-activity filter. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped events due to the refractory period filter. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DVS: automatically discover the eight most active pixels (above ~5KHz) and set up the hardware pixel filter to remove them from the output.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: read-only parameter, contains the X axis resolution of the APS frames returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: read-only parameter, contains the Y axis resolution of the APS frames returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y axes, whether they should be inverted or not on the host when parsing incoming pixels, as well as if the X or Y axes need to be flipped when reading the pixels. Bit 2: apsInvertXY Bit 1: apsFlipX Bit 0: apsFlipY This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: read-only parameter, contains information on the type of color filter present on the device. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper color filter information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: enable the APS module and take intensity images of the scene. While this parameter is enabled, frames will be taken continuously. To slow down the frame-rate, see DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_FRAME_DELAY. To only take snapshots, see DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_SNAPSHOT.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: if the output FIFO for this module is full, stall the APS state machine and wait until it’s free again, instead of just dropping the pixels as they are being read out. This guarantees a complete frame readout, at the possible cost of slight timing differences between pixels. If disabled, incomplete frames may be transmitted and will then be dropped on the host, resulting in lower frame-rates, especially during high DVS traffic.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the global shutter feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: enable Global Shutter mode instead of Rolling Shutter. The Global Shutter eliminates motion artifacts, but is noisier than the Rolling Shutter (worse quality).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: start position on the X axis for Region of Interest 0. Must be between 0 and APS_SIZE_X-1, and be smaller or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_END_COLUMN_0.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: start position on the Y axis for Region of Interest 0. Must be between 0 and APS_SIZE_Y-1, and be smaller or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_END_ROW_0.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: end position on the X axis for Region of Interest 0. Must be between 0 and APS_SIZE_X-1, and be greater or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_START_COLUMN_0.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: end position on the Y axis for Region of Interest 0. Must be between 0 and APS_SIZE_Y-1, and be greater or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_START_ROW_0.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: frame exposure time. Range: 0-4194303, in microseconds (maximum ~4s). Very precise for Global Shutter, slightly less exact for Rolling Shutter due to column-based timing constraints.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: time between consecutive frames. Range: 0-8388607, in microseconds (maximum ~8s). This can be used to set a frame-rate. Please note the frame-rate is best-effort, and may not be met if readout and exposure times exceed this value.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): charge transfer time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): Rolling Shutter FD settle time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): Global Shutter PD reset time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): Global Shutter Reset Fall time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): Global Shutter Transfer Fall time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS (only for DAVIS640H chip): Global Shutter FD reset time in ADCClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: takes a snapshot (one frame), like a photo-camera. More efficient implementation that just toggling the DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_RUN parameter. The APS module should not be running prior to calling this, as it only makes sense if frames are not being generated at the time. Also, DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_FRAME_INTERVAL should be set to zero if only doing snapshots, to ensure a quicker readiness for the next one, since the delay is always observed after taking a frame.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: automatic exposure control, tries to set the exposure value automatically to an appropriate value to maximize information in the scene and minimize under- and over-exposure.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_APS: select desired type of frame output. Available are: 0 - Default, meaning grayscale on MONO cameras and RGB color on cameras with color filters. 1 - Grayscale, always a grayscale intensity frame. 2 - Original, send the frame exactly as it comes in from the device (will show grid pattern on color cameras).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the type of IMU chip being used in this device: 0 - no IMU present 1 - InvenSense MPU 6050/6150 2 - InvenSense MPU 9250 This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y/Z axes, whether they should be flipped or not on the host when parsing incoming IMU data samples. Bit 2: imuFlipX Bit 1: imuFlipY Bit 0: imuFlipZ This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Generated IMU events are already properly flipped when returned to the user.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s accelerometer. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s gyroscope. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s temperature sensor. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: this specifies the divider from the Gyroscope Output Rate used to generate the Sample Rate for the IMU. Valid values are from 0 to 255. The Sample Rate is generated like this: Sample Rate = Gyroscope Output Rate / (1 + DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU_SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDER) where Gyroscope Output Rate = 8 kHz when DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU_DIGITAL_LOW_PASS_FILTER is disabled (set to 0 or 7), and 1 kHz when enabled. Note: the accelerometer output rate is 1 kHz. This means that for a Sample Rate greater than 1 kHz, the same accelerometer sample may be output multiple times.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: this configures the digital low-pass filter for both the accelerometer and the gyroscope on InvenSense MPU 6050/6150 IMU devices, or for the accelerometer only on InvenSense MPU 9250. Valid values are from 0 to 7 and have the following meaning:

On InvenSense MPU 6050/6150: 0 - Accel: BW=260Hz, Delay=0ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=256Hz, Delay=0.98ms, FS=8kHz 1 - Accel: BW=184Hz, Delay=2.0ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=188Hz, Delay=1.9ms, FS=1kHz 2 - Accel: BW=94Hz, Delay=3.0ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=98Hz, Delay=2.8ms, FS=1kHz 3 - Accel: BW=44Hz, Delay=4.9ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=42Hz, Delay=4.8ms, FS=1kHz 4 - Accel: BW=21Hz, Delay=8.5ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=20Hz, Delay=8.3ms, FS=1kHz 5 - Accel: BW=10Hz, Delay=13.8ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=10Hz, Delay=13.4ms, FS=1kHz 6 - Accel: BW=5Hz, Delay=19.0ms, FS=1kHz - Gyro: BW=5Hz, Delay=18.6ms, FS=1kHz 7 - Accel: RESERVED, FS=1kHz - Gyro: RESERVED, FS=8kHz

On InvenSense MPU 9250: 0 - Accel: BW=218.1Hz, Delay=1.88ms, FS=1kHz 1 - Accel: BW=218.1Hz, Delay=1.88ms, FS=1kHz 2 - Accel: BW=99Hz, Delay=2.88ms, FS=1kHz 3 - Accel: BW=44.8Hz, Delay=4.88ms, FS=1kHz 4 - Accel: BW=21.2Hz, Delay=8.87ms, FS=1kHz 5 - Accel: BW=10.2Hz, Delay=16.83ms, FS=1kHz 6 - Accel: BW=5.05Hz, Delay=32.48ms, FS=1kHz 7 - Accel: BW=420Hz, Delay=1.38ms, FS=1kHz


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: select the full scale range of the accelerometer outputs. Valid values are: 0 - +- 2 g 1 - +- 4 g 2 - +- 8 g 3 - +- 16 g


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: this configures the digital low-pass filter for the gyroscope on devices using the InvenSense MPU 9250. Valid values are from 0 to 7 and have the following meaning:

0 - Gyro: BW=250Hz, Delay=0.97ms, FS=8kHz 1 - Gyro: BW=184Hz, Delay=2.9ms, FS=1kHz 2 - Gyro: BW=92Hz, Delay=3.9ms, FS=1kHz 3 - Gyro: BW=41Hz, Delay=5.9ms, FS=1kHz 4 - Gyro: BW=20Hz, Delay=9.9ms, FS=1kHz 5 - Gyro: BW=10Hz, Delay=17.85ms, FS=1kHz 6 - Gyro: BW=5Hz, Delay=33.48ms, FS=1kHz 7 - Gyro: BW=3600Hz, Delay=0.17ms, FS=8kHz


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_IMU: select the full scale range of the gyroscope outputs. Valid values are: 0 - +- 250 °/s 1 - +- 500 °/s 2 - +- 1000 °/s 3 - +- 2000 °/s


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enable the signal detector module. It generates events when it sees certain types of signals, such as edges or pulses of a defined length, on the IN JACK signal. This can be useful to inject events into the event stream in response to external stimuli or controls, such as turning on a LED lamp.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_RISING_EDGE event when a rising edge is detected (transition from low voltage to high).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_FALLING_EDGE event when a falling edge is detected (transition from high voltage to low).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_PULSE event when a pulse, of a specified, configurable polarity and length, is detected. See DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_POLARITY and DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_LENGTH for more details.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the polarity the pulse must exhibit to be detected as such. ‘1’ means active high; a pulse will start when the signal goes from low to high and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays high. ‘0’ means active low; a pulse will start when the signal goes from high to low and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays low.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the minimal length that a pulse must have to trigger the sending of a special event. Range: 1-1048575, in microseconds.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the signal generator feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enable the signal generator module. It generates a PWM-like signal based on configurable parameters and outputs it on the OUT JACK signal.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: polarity of the PWM-like signal to be generated. ‘1’ means active high, ‘0’ means active low.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the interval between the start of two consecutive pulses. Range: 1-1048575, in microseconds. This must be bigger or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly double of DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the length a pulse stays active. Range: 1-1048575, in microseconds. This must be smaller or equal to DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly half of DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a rising edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_RISING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a falling edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_FALLING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, an integer used to identify the different types of sensor chips used on the device. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, whether the device is currently a timestamp master or slave when synchronizing multiple devices together. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the main FPGA/CPLD logic is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the FPGA/CPLD logic related to APS frame grabbing is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the FPGA/CPLD logic related to USB data transmission is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the deviation factor for the clocks. Due to how FX3 generates the clocks, which are then used by FPGA/CPLD, they are not integers but have a fractional part. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the patch version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_USB: enable the USB FIFO module, which transfers the data from the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, to be then sent to the host. Turning this off will suppress any USB data communication!


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_USB: the time delay after which a packet of data is committed to USB, even if it is not full yet (short USB packet). The value is in 125µs time-slices, corresponding to how USB schedules its operations (a value of 4 for example would mean waiting at most 0.5ms until sending a short USB packet to the host).


Parameter address for module DAVIS_CONFIG_DDRAER: enable the DDR-AER output module, which transfers the data from the FPGA/CPLD to some external device like a Raspberry Pi.


Parameter address for module DAVIS128_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS128 chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS128_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS128 chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead.


Parameter address for module DAVIS208_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS208 chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS208_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS208 chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead.


Parameter address for module DAVIS240_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS240chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS240_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS240 chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead. On DAVIS240B cameras, DAVIS240_CONFIG_CHIP_SPECIALPIXELCONTROL can be used to enable the test pixel array.


Parameter address for module DAVIS346_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS346 chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS346_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS346 chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead.


Parameter address for module DAVIS640_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS640 chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS640_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS640 chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead.


Parameter address for module DAVIS640H_CONFIG_BIAS: DAVIS640H chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:


Parameter address for module DAVIS640H_CONFIG_CHIP: DAVIS640H chip configuration. These are for expert control and should never be used or changed unless for advanced debugging purposes. To change the Global Shutter configuration, please use DAVIS_CONFIG_APS_GLOBAL_SHUTTER instead.



enum caer_davis_aps_frame_modes

List of supported APS frame modes.


enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_operating_mode

Shifted-source bias operating mode.



Standard mode.

enumerator HI_Z

High impedance (driven from outside).

enumerator TIED_TO_RAIL

Tied to ground (SSN) or VDD (SSP).

enum caer_bias_shiftedsource_voltage_level

Shifted-source bias voltage level.


enumerator SPLIT_GATE

Standard mode (200-400mV).

enumerator SINGLE_DIODE

Higher shifted-source voltage (one cascode).

enumerator DOUBLE_DIODE

Even higher shifted-source voltage (two cascodes).


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_davis_info caerDavisInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerBiasVDACGenerate (const struct caer_bias_vdac vdacBias)

Transform VDAC bias structure into internal integer representation, suited for sending directly to the device via caerDeviceConfigSet().


vdacBias – VDAC bias structure.


internal integer representation for device configuration.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_vdac caerBiasVDACParse (const uint16_t vdacBias)

Transform internal integer representation, as received by calls to caerDeviceConfigGet(), into a VDAC bias structure, for easier handling and understanding of the various parameters.


vdacBias – internal integer representation from device.


VDAC bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerBiasCoarseFineGenerate (const struct caer_bias_coarsefine coarseFineBias)

Transform coarse-fine bias structure into internal integer representation, suited for sending directly to the device via caerDeviceConfigSet().


coarseFineBias – coarse-fine bias structure.


internal integer representation for device configuration.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_coarsefine caerBiasCoarseFineParse (const uint16_t coarseFineBias)

Transform internal integer representation, as received by calls to caerDeviceConfigGet(), into a coarse-fine bias structure, for easier handling and understanding of the various parameters.


coarseFineBias – internal integer representation from device.


coarse-fine bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_coarsefine caerBiasCoarseFineFromCurrent (uint32_t picoAmps)

Transform current value in pico-Ampere to coarse-fine bias structure. Limit is 24.8 micro-Ampere.


picoAmps – desired current value in pico-Ampere.


coarse-fine bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerBiasCoarseFineToCurrent (struct caer_bias_coarsefine coarseFineBias)

Transform coarse-fine bias structure into corresponding current value in pico-Ampere.


coarseFineBias – coarse-fine bias structure.


corresponding current value in pico-Ampere.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerBiasShiftedSourceGenerate (const struct caer_bias_shiftedsource shiftedSourceBias)

Transform shifted-source bias structure into internal integer representation, suited for sending directly to the device via caerDeviceConfigSet().


shiftedSourceBias – shifted-source bias structure.


internal integer representation for device configuration.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_shiftedsource caerBiasShiftedSourceParse (const uint16_t shiftedSourceBias)

Transform internal integer representation, as received by calls to caerDeviceConfigGet(), into a shifted-source bias structure, for easier handling and understanding of the various parameters.


shiftedSourceBias – internal integer representation from device.


shifted-source bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDavisROIConfigure (caerDeviceHandle handle, uint16_t startX, uint16_t startY, uint16_t endX, uint16_t endY)

Configure the APS ROI region in one step. This function guarantees efficiency and atomicity (no partial-sized results possible).

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • startX – start corner X coordinate (0, 0 is upper left of frame).

  • startY – start corner Y coordinate (0, 0 is upper left of frame).

  • endX – end corner X coordinate (0, 0 is upper left of frame). Must be bigger than startX.

  • endY – end corner Y coordinate (0, 0 is upper left of frame). Must be bigger than startY.


true on success, false otherwise.

file device.h
#include “../libcaer.h”

Common functions to access, configure and exchange data with supported devices. Also contains defines for host related configuration options.





Module address: host-side data exchange (ring-buffer) configuration.


Module address: host-side event packets generation configuration.


Module address: host-side logging configuration.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE: set size of elements that can be held by the thread-safe FIFO buffer between the data transfer thread and the main thread. The default values are usually fine, only change them if you’re running into lots of dropped/missing packets; you can turn on the INFO log level to see when this is the case.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE: when calling caerDeviceDataGet(), the function can either be blocking, meaning it waits until it has a valid EventPacketContainer to return, or not, meaning it returns right away. This behavior can be set with this flag. Please see the caerDeviceDataGet() documentation for more information on its return values.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE: whether to start all the data producer modules on the device (DVS, APS, Mux, …) automatically when starting the data transfer thread with caerDeviceDataStart() or not. If disabled, be aware you will have to start the right modules manually, which can be useful if you need precise control over which ones are running at any time.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE: whether to stop all the data producer modules on the device (DVS, APS, Mux, …) automatically when stopping the data transfer thread with caerDeviceDataStop() or not. If disabled, be aware you will have to stop the right modules manually, to halt the data flow, which can be useful if you need precise control over which ones are running at any time.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_PACKETS: set the maximum number of events any of a packet container’s packets may hold before it’s made available to the user. Set to zero to disable. This is checked for each number of events held in each typed EventPacket that is a part of the EventPacketContainer.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_PACKETS: set the time interval between subsequent packet containers. Must be at least 1 microsecond. The value is in microseconds, and is checked across all types of events contained in the EventPacketContainer.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_LOG: set the log-level for this device, to be used when logging messages. Defaults to the value of the global log-level when the device was first opened.


typedef struct caer_device_handle *caerDeviceHandle

Pointer to an open device on which to operate.


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceClose (caerDeviceHandle *handle)

Close a previously opened device and invalidate its handle.


handle – pointer to a valid device handle. Will set handle to NULL if closing is successful, to prevent further usage of this handle for other operations.


true if closing was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceSendDefaultConfig (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Send a set of good default configuration settings to the device. This avoids users having to set every configuration option each time, especially when wanting to get going quickly or just needing to change a few settings to get to the desired operating mode.


handle – a valid device handle.


true if sending the configuration was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceConfigSet (caerDeviceHandle handle, int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint32_t param)

Set a configuration parameter to a given value.

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • modAddr – a module address, used to specify which configuration module one wants to update. Negative addresses are used for host-side configuration, while positive addresses (including zero) are used for device-side configuration.

  • paramAddr – a parameter address, to select a specific parameter to update from this particular configuration module. Only positive numbers (including zero) are allowed.

  • param – a configuration parameter’s new value.


true if sending the configuration was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceConfigGet (caerDeviceHandle handle, int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint32_t *param)

Get the value of a configuration parameter.

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • modAddr – a module address, used to specify which configuration module one wants to query. Negative addresses are used for host-side configuration, while positive addresses (including zero) are used for device-side configuration.

  • paramAddr – a parameter address, to select a specific parameter to query from this particular configuration module. Only positive numbers (including zero) are allowed.

  • param – a pointer to an integer, in which to store the configuration parameter’s current value. The integer will always be either set to zero (on failure), or to the current value (on success).


true if getting the configuration was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceConfigGet64 (caerDeviceHandle handle, int8_t modAddr, uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t *param)

Get the value of a 64bit configuration parameter. This is for special read-only configuration parameters only! Use only when required by the parameter’s documentation!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • modAddr – a module address, used to specify which configuration module one wants to query. Negative addresses are used for host-side configuration, while positive addresses (including zero) are used for device-side configuration.

  • paramAddr – a parameter address, to select a specific parameter to query from this particular configuration module. Only positive numbers (including zero) are allowed.

  • param – a pointer to a 64bit integer, in which to store the configuration parameter’s current value. The integer will always be either set to zero (on failure), or to the current value (on success).


true if getting the configuration was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceDataStart (caerDeviceHandle handle, void(*dataNotifyIncrease)(void *ptr), void(*dataNotifyDecrease)(void *ptr), void *dataNotifyUserPtr, void(*dataShutdownNotify)(void *ptr), void *dataShutdownUserPtr)

Start getting data from the device, setting up the data transfers and starting the data producers (see CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE_START_PRODUCERS). Supports notification of new data and exceptional shutdown events via user-defined call-backs.

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • dataNotifyIncrease – function pointer, called every time a new piece of data available and has been put in the FIFO buffer for consumption. dataNotifyUserPtr will be passed as parameter to the function.

  • dataNotifyDecrease – function pointer, called every time a new piece of data has been consumed from the FIFO buffer inside caerDeviceDataGet(). dataNotifyUserPtr will be passed as parameter to the function.

  • dataNotifyUserPtr – pointer that will be passed to the dataNotifyIncrease and dataNotifyDecrease functions. Can be NULL.

  • dataShutdownNotify – function pointer, called on exceptional shut-down of the data transfers. This is used to detect exceptional shut-downs that do not come from calling caerDeviceDataStop(), such as when the device is disconnected or all data transfers fail.

  • dataShutdownUserPtr – pointer that will be passed to the dataShutdownNotify function. Can be NULL.


true if starting the data transfer was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDeviceDataStop (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Stop getting data from the device, shutting down the data transfers and stopping the data producers (see CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE_STOP_PRODUCERS). This normal shut-down will not generate a notification (see caerDeviceDataStart()).


handle – a valid device handle.


true if stopping the data transfer was successful, false on errors.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY caerEventPacketContainer caerDeviceDataGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Get an event packet container, which contains events of various types generated by the device, for further processing. The returned data structures are allocated in memory and will need to be freed. The caerEventPacketContainerFree() function can be used to correctly free the full container memory. For single caerEventPackets, just use free(). This function can be made blocking with the CAER_HOST_CONFIG_DATAEXCHANGE_BLOCKING configuration parameter. By default it is non-blocking.


handle – a valid device handle.


a valid event packet container. NULL will be returned on errors, such as exceptional device shutdown, or when there is no container available in non-blocking mode. Always check this return value!

file device_discover.h
#include “davis.h
#include “dvs128.h
#include “dvs132s.h
#include “dvxplorer.h
#include “dynapse.h
#include “edvs.h
#include “samsung_evk.h

Functions to discover supported devices attached to the current host system, and then open them.



Define for special value to discover all device types.


typedef struct caer_device_discovery_result *caerDeviceDiscoveryResult

Pointer to result of a device discovery operation.


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY ssize_t caerDeviceDiscover (int16_t deviceType, caerDeviceDiscoveryResult *discoveredDevices)

Discover all supported devices that are accessible on this system. Use -1 as ‘deviceType’ to search for any device, or an actual device type ID to only search for matches of that specific type.

  • deviceType – type of device to search for, use -1 for any.

  • discoveredDevices – pointer to array of results, memory will be allocated for it automatically. On error, the pointer is set to NULL. Remember to free() the memory once done!


number of discovered devices, 0 if no device could be found; or -1 if an error occurred.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY caerDeviceHandle caerDeviceDiscoverOpen (uint16_t deviceID, caerDeviceDiscoveryResult discoveredDevice)

Open a specific device based on information returned by caerDeviceDiscover(), then assign an ID to it and return a handle for further usage.

  • deviceID – a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generated from its data.

  • discoveredDevice – pointer to the result of a device discovery operation. Uniquely identifies a particular device.


a valid device handle that can be used with the other libcaer functions, or NULL on error. Always check for this!

file dvs128.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “usb.h

DVS128 specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for iniVation DVS128.


Module address: device-side DVS configuration.


Module address: device-side chip bias generator configuration.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_DVS: run the DVS chip and generate polarity event data.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_DVS: reset the time-stamp counter of the device. This is a temporary configuration switch and will reset itself right away.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_DVS: reset the whole DVS pixel array. This is a temporary configuration switch and will reset itself right away.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_DVS: control if this DVS is a timestamp master device. Default is enabled.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: First stage amplifier cascode bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Injected ground bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull down on chip request (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull up on request from X arbiter (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Off events threshold bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull down for passive load inverters in digital AER pixel circuitry. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Refractory period bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull up on request from Y arbiter (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: On events threshold bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Differential (second stage amplifier) bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Source follower bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS128_CONFIG_BIAS: Photoreceptor bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_dvs128_info caerDVS128InfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_dvs128_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

file dvs132s.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “imu_support.h
#include “usb.h

DVS132S specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for iniVation DVS132S.


DVS132S chip identifier. 104x132, synchronous readout.


Module address: device-side Multiplexer configuration. The Multiplexer is responsible for mixing, timestamping and outputting (via USB) the various event types generated by the device. It is also responsible for timestamp generation and synchronization.


Module address: device-side DVS configuration. The DVS state machine interacts with the DVS chip and gets the polarity events from it. It supports various configurable delays, as well as advanced filtering capabilities on the polarity events.


Module address: device-side IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration. The IMU module connects to the external IMU chip and sends data on the device’s movement in space. It can configure various options on the external chip, such as accelerometer range or gyroscope refresh rate.


Module address: device-side External Input (signal detector/generator) configuration. The External Input module is used to detect external signals on the external input jack and inject an event into the event stream when this happens. It can detect pulses of a specific length or rising and falling edges. On some systems, a signal generator module is also present, which can generate PWM-like pulsed signals with configurable timing.


Module address: device-side chip bias configuration. This state machine is responsible for configuring the chip’s bias generator.


Module address: device-side system information. The system information module provides various details on the device, such as currently installed logic revision or clock speeds. All its parameters are read-only. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvs132s_info’ documentation for more details on what information is available.


Module address: device-side USB output configuration. The USB output module forwards the data from the device and the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, usually a Cypress FX2 or FX3.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: run the Multiplexer state machine, which is responsible for mixing the various event types at the device level, timestamping them and outputting them via USB or other connectors.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: run the Timestamp Generator inside the Multiplexer state machine, which will provide microsecond accurate timestamps to the events passing through.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: reset the Timestamp Generator to zero. This also sends a reset pulse to all connected slave devices, resetting their timestamp too.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: power up the chip’s bias generator, enabling the chip to work.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: drop External Input events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: drop DVS events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped External Input events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped DVS events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the X axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the Y axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y axes, whether they should be inverted or not on the host when parsing incoming events. Bit 2: dvsInvertXY Bit 1: reserved Bit 0: reserved This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: run the DVS state machine and read out polarity events from the chip.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: if the output FIFO for this module is full, stall the chip readout and wait until it’s free again, instead of just continuing reading and dropping the resulting events.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: 7 bits, Time unit: 1us. Max: ~125us.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: 21 bits, Time unit: 1us. Max: ~2s.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS:


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of event transactions completed successfully on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped transaction sequences on the device due to full buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of erroneous transaction sequences on the device due problems in the address or polarities returned by the chip.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the type of IMU chip being used in this device: 0 - no IMU present 3 - Bosch BMI 160 This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y/Z axes, whether they should be flipped or not on the host when parsing incoming IMU data samples. Bit 2: imuFlipX Bit 1: imuFlipY Bit 0: imuFlipZ This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Generated IMU events are already properly flipped when returned to the user.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s accelerometer. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s gyroscope. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: enable the IMU’s temperature sensor. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 8 settings: 0 - 12.5 Hz 1 - 25 Hz 2 - 50 Hz 3 - 100 Hz 4 - 200 Hz 5 - 400 Hz 6 - 800 Hz 7 - 1600 Hz


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 3 settings: 0 - OSR4 1 - OSR2 2 - Normal


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 4 settings: 0 - +- 2g 1 - +- 4g 2 - +- 8g 3 - +- 16g


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 8 settings: 0 - 25 Hz 1 - 50 Hz 2 - 100 Hz 3 - 200 Hz 4 - 400 Hz 5 - 800 Hz 6 - 1600 Hz 7 - 3200 Hz


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 3 settings: 0 - OSR4 1 - OSR2 2 - Normal


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_IMU: 5 settings: 0 - +- 2000°/s 1 - +- 1000°/s 2 - +- 500°/s 3 - +- 250°/s 4 - +- 125°/s


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enable the signal detector module. It generates events when it sees certain types of signals, such as edges or pulses of a defined length, on the SIGNAL pin of the INPUT synchronization connector. This can be useful to inject events into the event stream in response to external stimuli or controls, such as turning on a LED lamp.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_RISING_EDGE event when a rising edge is detected (transition from low voltage to high).


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_FALLING_EDGE event when a falling edge is detected (transition from high voltage to low).


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_PULSE event when a pulse, of a specified, configurable polarity and length, is detected. See DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_POLARITY and DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_LENGTH for more details.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the polarity the pulse must exhibit to be detected as such. ‘1’ means active high; a pulse will start when the signal goes from low to high and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays high. ‘0’ means active low; a pulse will start when the signal goes from high to low and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays low.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the minimal length that a pulse must have to trigger the sending of a special event. This is measured in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency).


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the signal generator feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enable the signal generator module. It generates a PWM-like signal based on configurable parameters and outputs it on the OUT JACK signal.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: polarity of the PWM-like signal to be generated. ‘1’ means active high, ‘0’ means active low.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the interval between the start of two consecutive pulses, expressed in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency). This must be bigger or equal to DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly double of DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: the length a pulse stays active, expressed in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency). This must be smaller or equal to DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly half of DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a rising edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_RISING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a falling edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_FALLING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvs132s_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, an integer used to identify the different types of sensor chips used on the device. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvs132s_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, whether the device is currently a timestamp master or slave when synchronizing multiple devices together. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvs132s_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the main FPGA/CPLD logic is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the FPGA/CPLD logic related to USB data transmission is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the deviation factor for the clocks. Due to how FX3 generates the clocks, which are then used by FPGA/CPLD, they are not integers but have a fractional part. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the patch version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_USB: enable the USB FIFO module, which transfers the data from the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, to be then sent to the host. Turning this off will suppress any USB data communication!


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_USB: the time delay after which a packet of data is committed to USB, even if it is not full yet (short USB packet). The value is in 125µs time-slices, corresponding to how USB schedules its operations (a value of 4 for example would mean waiting at most 0.5ms until sending a short USB packet to the host).


Parameter address for module DVS132S_CONFIG_BIAS: DVS132S chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:



LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_dvs132s_info caerDVS132SInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_dvs132s_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerBiasCoarseFine1024Generate (struct caer_bias_coarsefine1024 coarseFine1024Bias)

Transform simplified coarse-fine bias structure into internal integer representation, suited for sending directly to the device via caerDeviceConfigSet().


coarseFine1024Bias – coarse-fine bias structure.


internal integer representation for device configuration.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_coarsefine1024 caerBiasCoarseFine1024Parse (uint32_t coarseFine1024Bias)

Transform internal integer representation, as received by calls to caerDeviceConfigGet(), into a simplified coarse-fine bias structure, for easier handling and understanding of the various parameters.


coarseFine1024Bias – internal integer representation from device.


coarse-fine bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_coarsefine1024 caerBiasCoarseFine1024FromCurrent (uint32_t picoAmps)

Transform current value in pico-Ampere to coarse-fine bias structure. Limit is 1.0 micro-Ampere.


picoAmps – desired current value in pico-Ampere.


coarse-fine bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerBiasCoarseFine1024ToCurrent (struct caer_bias_coarsefine1024 coarseFine1024Bias)

Transform coarse-fine bias structure into corresponding current value in pico-Ampere.


coarseFine1024Bias – coarse-fine bias structure.


corresponding current value in pico-Ampere.

file dvxplorer.h
#include “../events/imu6.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “imu_support.h
#include “usb.h

DVXPLORER specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for iniVation DVXplorer.


Samsung chip identifier. 640x480, semi-synchronous readout.


Samsung chip identifier. 320x240, semi-synchronous readout.


Module address: device-side Multiplexer configuration. The Multiplexer is responsible for mixing, timestamping and outputting (via USB) the various event types generated by the device. It is also responsible for timestamp generation and synchronization.


Module address: device-side DVS configuration. The DVS state machine interacts with the DVS chip and gets the polarity events from it. It supports various configurable delays, as well as advanced filtering capabilities on the polarity events.


Module address: device-side IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) configuration. The IMU module connects to the external IMU chip and sends data on the device’s movement in space. It can configure various options on the external chip, such as accelerometer range or gyroscope refresh rate.


Module address: device-side External Input (signal detector/generator) configuration. The External Input module is used to detect external signals on the external input jack and inject an event into the event stream when this happens. It can detect pulses of a specific length or rising and falling edges. On some systems, a signal generator module is also present, which can generate PWM-like pulsed signals with configurable timing.


Module address: device-side system information. The system information module provides various details on the device, such as currently installed logic revision or clock speeds. All its parameters are read-only. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvx_info’ documentation for more details on what information is available.


Module address: device-side USB output configuration. The USB output module forwards the data from the device and the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, usually a Cypress FX2 or FX3.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: run the Multiplexer state machine, which is responsible for mixing the various event types at the device level, timestamping them and outputting them via USB or other connectors.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: run the Timestamp Generator inside the Multiplexer state machine, which will provide microsecond accurate timestamps to the events passing through.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: reset the Timestamp Generator to zero. This also sends a reset pulse to all connected slave devices, resetting their timestamp too.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: power up the chip’s bias generator, enabling the chip to work.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: drop External Input events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: drop DVS events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped External Input events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped DVS events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the X axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, contains the Y axis resolution of the DVS events returned by the camera. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y axes, whether they should be inverted or not on the host when parsing incoming events. Bit 2: dvsInvertXY Bit 1: reserved Bit 0: reserved This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get proper size information that already considers the rotation and orientation settings.


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: run the DVS state machine and read out polarity events from the chip.


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of column transactions completed successfully on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of SGroup/MGroup transactions completed successfully on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped column transactions on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_DVS: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped SGroup/MGroup transactions on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the type of IMU chip being used in this device: 0 - no IMU present 3 - Bosch BMI 160 This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: read-only parameter, contains information on the orientation of the X/Y/Z axes, whether they should be flipped or not on the host when parsing incoming IMU data samples. Bit 2: imuFlipX Bit 1: imuFlipY Bit 0: imuFlipZ This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Generated IMU events are already properly flipped when returned to the user.


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: enable the IMU’s accelerometer. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: enable the IMU’s gyroscope. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: enable the IMU’s temperature sensor. This takes the IMU chip out of sleep.


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 8 settings: 0 - 12.5 Hz 1 - 25 Hz 2 - 50 Hz 3 - 100 Hz 4 - 200 Hz 5 - 400 Hz 6 - 800 Hz 7 - 1600 Hz


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 3 settings: 0 - OSR4 1 - OSR2 2 - Normal


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 4 settings: 0 - +- 2g 1 - +- 4g 2 - +- 8g 3 - +- 16g


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 8 settings: 0 - 25 Hz 1 - 50 Hz 2 - 100 Hz 3 - 200 Hz 4 - 400 Hz 5 - 800 Hz 6 - 1600 Hz 7 - 3200 Hz


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 3 settings: 0 - OSR4 1 - OSR2 2 - Normal


Parameter address for module DVX_IMU: 5 settings: 0 - +- 2000°/s 1 - +- 1000°/s 2 - +- 500°/s 3 - +- 250°/s 4 - +- 125°/s


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: enable the signal detector module. It generates events when it sees certain types of signals, such as edges or pulses of a defined length, on the SIGNAL pin of the INPUT synchronization connector. This can be useful to inject events into the event stream in response to external stimuli or controls, such as turning on a LED lamp.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_RISING_EDGE event when a rising edge is detected (transition from low voltage to high).


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_FALLING_EDGE event when a falling edge is detected (transition from high voltage to low).


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: send a special EXTERNAL_INPUT_PULSE event when a pulse, of a specified, configurable polarity and length, is detected. See DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_POLARITY and DVX_EXTINPUT_DETECT_PULSE_LENGTH for more details.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: the polarity the pulse must exhibit to be detected as such. ‘1’ means active high; a pulse will start when the signal goes from low to high and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays high. ‘0’ means active low; a pulse will start when the signal goes from high to low and will continue to be seen as the same pulse as long as it stays low.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: the minimal length that a pulse must have to trigger the sending of a special event. This is measured in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency).


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the signal generator feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_davis_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: enable the signal generator module. It generates a PWM-like signal based on configurable parameters and outputs it on the OUT JACK signal.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: polarity of the PWM-like signal to be generated. ‘1’ means active high, ‘0’ means active low.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: the interval between the start of two consecutive pulses, expressed in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency). This must be bigger or equal to DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly double of DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_LENGTH.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: the length a pulse stays active, expressed in cycles at LogicClock frequency (see ‘struct caer_davis_info’ for details on how to get the frequency). This must be smaller or equal to DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL. To generate a signal with 50% duty cycle, this would have to be exactly half of DVX_EXTINPUT_GENERATE_PULSE_INTERVAL.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a rising edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_RISING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DVX_EXTINPUT: enables event injection when a falling edge occurs in the generated signal; a special event EXTERNAL_GENERATOR_FALLING_EDGE is emitted into the event stream.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvx_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, an integer used to identify the different types of sensor chips used on the device. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvx_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, whether the device is currently a timestamp master or slave when synchronizing multiple devices together. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dvx_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the main FPGA/CPLD logic is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the FPGA/CPLD logic related to USB data transmission is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the deviation factor for the clocks. Due to how FX3 generates the clocks, which are then used by FPGA/CPLD, they are not integers but have a fractional part. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVX_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the patch version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer.


Parameter address for module DVX_USB: enable the USB FIFO module, which transfers the data from the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, to be then sent to the host. Turning this off will suppress any USB data communication!


Parameter address for module DVX_USB: the time delay after which a packet of data is committed to USB, even if it is not full yet (short USB packet). The value is in 125µs time-slices, corresponding to how USB schedules its operations (a value of 4 for example would mean waiting at most 0.5ms until sending a short USB packet to the host).


Module address: device-side chip configuration. This state machine is responsible for configuring the Samsung DVS chip.



LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_dvx_info caerDVXplorerInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_dvx_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

file dynapse.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “../events/spike.h
#include “usb.h

Dynap-se specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for aiCTX Dynap-se FX2-based boards.


Dynap-se chip identifier.


Module address: device-side Multiplexer configuration. The Multiplexer is responsible for mixing, timestamping and outputting (via USB) the various event types generated by the device. It is also responsible for timestamp generation.


Module address: device-side AER configuration (from chip). The AER state machine handshakes with the chip’s AER bus and gets the spike events from it. It supports various configurable delays.


Module address: device-side chip control configuration. This state machine is responsible for configuring the chip’s internal control registers, to set special options and biases.


Module address: device-side system information. The system information module provides various details on the device, such as currently installed logic revision or clock speeds. All its parameters are read-only. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation for more details on what information is available.


Module address: device-side USB output configuration. The USB output module forwards the data from the device and the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, usually a Cypress FX2 or FX3.


Clear CAM content, on all cores of a chip. No arguments are used. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Clear SRAM content, use one SRAM cell (cell 0, out of the four available) to monitor neurons via USB. ‘paramAddr’ is the chip ID on which to operate, other arguments are unused. Remember to also select the chip you want to configure before this!


Setup analog neuron monitoring via SMA connectors. ‘paramAddr’ takes the core ID to be monitored, ‘param’ the neuron ID. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Clear SRAM content, route nothing outside (all four SRAM cells zero). No arguments are used. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Module address: Device side SRAM controller configuration. The module holds an address, a word to be written to SRAM, the most recent word read using a read command, and a read/write command. Reads/writes are triggered when the address field is changed. Example: caerDynapseWriteSramWords(devHandle, SRAMData, baseAddr, numWords); Writes numWords words from array SRAMData to the SRAM, starting at baseAddr. This define is for internal use of caerDynapseWriteSramWords(); it can be used on its own, but we recommend using the above function that hides all the internal details of writing to the FPGA SRAM.


Module address: Device side Synapse Reconfiguration module configuration. Provides run control, selection between using a single kernel for all neurons and reading per-neuron kernels from SRAM, programming of the global kernel, as well as target output chip ID selection and SRAM kernel table base address.


Module address: Device side spike generator module configuration. Provides start/stop control of spike train application and selection of fixed/variable inter-spike intervals and their location in memory.


Set certain neurons of a core to use the TAU2 neuron leak bias. By default neurons use the TAU1 neuron leak bias. You can also use DYNAPSE_CONFIG_TAU1_RESET and DYNAPSE_CONFIG_TAU2_RESET to reset all neurons in a core to the same bias. ‘paramAddr’ takes the core ID to be set, ‘param’ the neuron ID. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Module address: Device side poisson generator configuration Provides run/stop control of poisson spike generation and rate setting for 1024 sources.


Reset all neurons of a core to use the TAU1 neuron leak bias. ‘paramAddr’ takes the core ID to be reset, other arguments are unused. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Reset all neurons of a core to use the TAU2 neuron leak bias. ‘paramAddr’ takes the core ID to be reset, other arguments are unused. Remember to select the chip you want to configure before this!


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_POISSONSPIKEGEN: Enables or disables generation of poisson spike trains.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_POISSONSPIKEGEN: Selects the address of a poisson spike train source. Writing to this parameter will apply the rate previously written to the WRITEDATA field.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_POISSONSPIKEGEN: Holds data that will be written to the address specified by WRITEADDRESS.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_POISSONSPIKEGEN: Chip ID of the chip that will receive events generated by the poisson spike generator.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Instructs the spike generator to start applying the configured spike train when the parameter changes from false to true.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Selects variable inter-spike interval mode (true) or fixed inter-spike interval mode (false).


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Sets the start address of a spike train in memory.


Paramter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Sets the number of events to read from memory for a single application of a spike train.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Sets the inter-spike interval that will be used in fixed ISI mode (VARMODE false).


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Sets the time base resolution for inter-spike intervals as the number of FPGA clock cycles.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SPIKEGEN: Sets repeat mode to true or false.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYNAPSERECONFIG: Run control. Starts and stops handshaking with DVS.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYNAPSERECONFIG: Bits 16 down to 12 select the address in the global kernel table and bits 11 down to 0 specify the data. The 12 data bits are split into 4*3 synaptic weight bits which map onto positive/negative polarity events from 2 DVS pixels.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYNAPSERECONFIG: Boolean parameter for selecting between using kernels stored in SRAM or the global kernel table. 1 for SRAM, 0 for global kernel table.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYNAPSERECONFIG: Select which chip outputs should go to.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYNAPSERECONFIG: SRAM base address configuration in increments of 32 Kib. Setting this to N will place the SRAM kernel LUT in the range [N*2^15,((N+1)*2^15)-1]


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Holds the address that will be used for the next read/write. Writing or reading this field will trigger the command contained in the command register to be executed on the FPGA.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Holds the most recently read data from the SRAM. Read-only parameter.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Holds the data that will be written on the next write. Example: caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_WRITEDATA, wData); caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_RWCOMMAND, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_WRITE); caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_ADDRESS, wAddr); Writes wData to the address specified by wAddr.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Holds the command that will be executed when the address field is written to. Example: caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_RWCOMMAND, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_WRITE); Sets the SRAM controller up for doing writes. DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_READ and DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_WRITE are supported.


Command for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Read command for the RWCOMMAND field. Example: caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_RWCOMMAND, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_READ); Sets the SRAM controller up for doing reads.


Command for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Write command for the RWCOMMAND field. Example: caerDeviceConfigSet(devHandle, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_RWCOMMAND, DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM_WRITE); Sets the SRAM controller up for doing writes.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SRAM: Burst mode enable for fast writing. Disables updates on address change and instead updates on data change, while automatically incrementing the writing address. Two 16-bit words are written per 32-bit word sent to the SPI controller starting with the least significant half word.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: run the Multiplexer state machine, which is responsible for mixing the various event types at the device level, timestamping them and outputting them via USB or other connectors.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: run the Timestamp Generator inside the Multiplexer state machine, which will provide microsecond accurate timestamps to the events passing through.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: reset the Timestamp Generator to zero. This also sends a reset pulse to all connected slave devices, resetting their timestamp too.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: under normal circumstances, the chip’s bias generator is only powered up when either the AER or the configuration state machines are running, to save power. This flag forces the bias generator to be powered up all the time.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: drop AER events if the USB output FIFO is full, instead of having them pile up at the input FIFOs.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_MUX: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped AER (spike) events on the device due to full USB buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: run the AER state machine and get spike events from the chip by handshaking with its AER bus.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: delay capturing the data and acknowledging it on the AER bus for the events by this many LogicClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: extend the length of the acknowledge on the AER bus for the events by this many LogicClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: if the output FIFO for this module is full, stall the AER handshake with the chip and wait until it’s free again, instead of just continuing the handshake and dropping the resulting events.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: enable external AER control. This ensures the chip and the neuron array are running, but doesn’t do the handshake and leaves the ACK pin in high-impedance, to allow for an external system to take over the AER communication with the chip. DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER_RUN has to be turned off for this to work.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: read-only parameter, information about the presence of the statistics feature. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: read-only parameter, representing the number of event transactions completed on the device. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_AER: read-only parameter, representing the number of dropped transaction sequences on the device due to full buffers. This is a 64bit value, and should always be read using the function: caerDeviceConfigGet64().


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_CHIP: enable the configuration AER state machine to send bias and control configuration to the chip.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_CHIP: set the chip ID to which configuration content is being sent.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_CHIP: set the configuration content to send to the chip. Every time this changes, the chip ID is appended and the configuration is sent out to the chip.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_CHIP: delay doing the request after putting out the data by this many LogicClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_CHIP: extend the request after receiving the ACK by this many LogicClock cycles.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the version of the logic currently running on the device’s FPGA/CPLD. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, an integer used to identify the different types of sensor chips used on the device. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, whether the device is currently a timestamp master or slave when synchronizing multiple devices together. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_SYSINFO: read-only parameter, the frequency in MHz at which the main FPGA/CPLD logic is running. This is reserved for internal use and should not be used by anything other than libcaer. Please see the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation to get this information.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_USB: enable the USB FIFO module, which transfers the data from the FPGA/CPLD to the USB chip, to be then sent to the host. Turning this off will suppress any USB data communication!


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_USB: the time delay after which a packet of data is committed to USB, even if it is not full yet (short USB packet). The value is in 125µs time-slices, corresponding to how USB schedules its operations (a value of 4 for example would mean waiting at most 0.5ms until sending a short USB packet to the host).


On-chip SRAM for spike routing.


Number of chips on the board.


Number of neurons in the x direction of the board.


Number of neurons in the y direction of the board.


Number of cores in the x direction of the board.


Number of cores in the y direction of the board.


Chip 0 ID.


Chip 1 ID.


Chip 2 ID.


Chip 3 ID.


Number of cores per chip.


Number of neurons in single chip.


Number of neurons per core.


Number of columns of neurons in a chip.


Number of rows of neurons in a core.


Number of columns of neurons in a core.


Number of rows of neurons in a core.


Number of columns of CAMs in a core.


Number of CAMs per neuron.


Number of SRAM cells per neuron.


Fast excitatory synapse.


Slow excitatory synapse.


Fast inhibitory synapse.


Slow inhibitory synapse.


Parameter address for module DYNAPSE_CONFIG_BIAS: DYNAPSE chip biases. Bias configuration values must be generated using the proper functions, which are:



LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_dynapse_info caerDynapseInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_dynapse_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerBiasDynapseGenerate (const struct caer_bias_dynapse dynapseBias)

Transform coarse-fine bias structure into internal integer representation, suited for sending directly to the device via caerDeviceConfigSet().


dynapseBias – coarse-fine bias structure.


internal integer representation for device configuration.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_bias_dynapse caerBiasDynapseParse (const uint32_t dynapseBias)

Transform internal integer representation, as received by calls to caerDeviceConfigGet(), into a coarse-fine bias structure, for easier handling and understanding of the various parameters.


dynapseBias – internal integer representation from device.


coarse-fine bias structure.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseWriteSramWords (caerDeviceHandle handle, const uint16_t *data, uint32_t baseAddr, size_t numWords)

Transfer 16bit words from memory to device SRAM, with configurable starting address and number of words. This works on the FPGA SRAM!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • data – array from which to read data to send to SRAM.

  • baseAddr – SRAM start address where to put the data.

  • numWords – number of 16bit words to transfer.


true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseWritePoissonSpikeRate (caerDeviceHandle handle, uint16_t neuronAddr, float rateHz)

Specifies the poisson spike generator’s spike rate.

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • neuronAddr – The target neuron of the poisson spike train, range [0,1023].

  • rateHz – The rate in Hz of the spike train, this will be quantized to the nearest supported level, range [0,4300].


true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseWriteSram (caerDeviceHandle handle, uint8_t coreId, uint8_t neuronAddrCore, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t destinationCore)

THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. USE caerDynapseWriteSramN() INSTEAD! The new function uses the global neuron ID (range [0,1023]) like all others, instead of the separate core ID/neuron ID syntax. Also the arguments are in the same order as caerDynapseGenerateSramBits(), in particular the ‘sramId’ comes right after ‘neuronId’.

Write one of the 4 SRAMs of a single neuron. Writing the SRAM means writing the destination address of where the spikes will be routed to. This works on the on-chip SRAM!

Remember to select the chip you want to configure before calling this function!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • coreId – the chip’s core ID, range [0,3].

  • neuronAddrCore – the neuron’s address within this core, range [0,255].

  • virtualCoreId – fake source core ID, set it to this value instead of the actual source core ID, range [0,3].


  • dx – X delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].


  • dy – Y delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].

  • sramId – SRAM address (one of four cells), range [0,3].

  • destinationCore – spike destination core, uses one-hot coding for the 4 cores: [C3,C2,C1,C0] -> [0,0,0,0] (0 decimal) no core, [1,1,1,1] (15 decimal) all cores


true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseWriteSramN (caerDeviceHandle handle, uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t destinationCore)

Write one of the 4 SRAMs of a single neuron. Writing the SRAM means writing the destination address of where the spikes will be routed to. This works on the on-chip SRAM!

Remember to select the chip you want to configure before calling this function!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • neuronAddr – the neuron to program, range [0,1023] (use caerDynapseCoreXYToNeuronId() for a 2D mapping).

  • sramId – SRAM address (one of four cells), range [0,3].

  • virtualCoreId – fake source core ID, set it to this value instead of the actual source core ID, range [0,3].


  • dx – X delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].


  • dy – Y delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].

  • destinationCore – spike destination core, uses one-hot coding for the 4 cores: [C3,C2,C1,C0] -> [0,0,0,0] (0 decimal) no core, [1,1,1,1] (15 decimal) all cores


true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseWriteCam (caerDeviceHandle handle, uint16_t inputNeuronAddr, uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t camId, uint8_t synapseType)

Write a single CAM, to specify which spikes are allowed as input into a neuron.

Remember to select the chip you want to configure before calling this function!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • inputNeuronAddr – the neuron address that should be let in as input to this neuron, range [0,1023].

  • neuronAddr – the neuron address whose CAM should be programmed, range [0,1023].

  • camId – CAM address (synapse), each neuron has 64, range [0,63].



true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerDynapseSendDataToUSB (caerDeviceHandle handle, const uint32_t *data, size_t numConfig)

Send array of configuration parameters to the device via USB.

Remember to select the chip you want to configure before calling this function!

  • handle – a valid device handle.

  • data – an array of integers holding configuration data.

  • numConfig – number of configuration parameters to send.


true on success, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerDynapseGenerateCamBits (uint16_t inputNeuronAddr, uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t camId, uint8_t synapseType)

Generate bits to write a single CAM, to specify which spikes are allowed as input into a neuron.

  • inputNeuronAddr – the neuron address that should be let in as input to this neuron, range [0,1023] (use caerDynapseCoreXYToNeuronId() for a 2D mapping).

  • neuronAddr – the neuron to program, range [0,1023] (use caerDynapseCoreXYToNeuronId() for a 2D mapping).

  • camId – CAM address (synapse), each neuron has 64, range [0,63].



bits to send to device.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint32_t caerDynapseGenerateSramBits (uint16_t neuronAddr, uint8_t sramId, uint8_t virtualCoreId, bool sx, uint8_t dx, bool sy, uint8_t dy, uint8_t destinationCore)

Generate bits to write one of the 4 SRAMs of a single neuron. Writing the SRAM means writing the destination address of where the spikes will be routed to. This works on the on-chip SRAM!

  • neuronAddr – the neuron to program, range [0,1023] (use caerDynapseCoreXYToNeuronId() for a 2D mapping).

  • sramId – SRAM address (one of four cells), range [0,3].

  • virtualCoreId – fake source core ID, set it to this value instead of the actual source core ID, range [0,3].


  • dx – X delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].


  • dy – Y delta, number of chips to jumps before reaching destination, range is [0,3].

  • destinationCore – spike destination core, uses one-hot coding for the 4 cores: [C3,C2,C1,C0] -> [0,0,0,0] (0 decimal) no core, [1,1,1,1] (15 decimal) all cores


bits to send to device.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerDynapseCoreXYToNeuronId (uint8_t coreId, uint8_t columnX, uint8_t rowY)

Map core ID and column/row address to the correct chip global neuron address.

  • coreId – the chip’s core ID, range [0,3].

  • columnX – the neuron’s column address, range [0,15].

  • rowY – the neuron’s row address, range [0,15].


chip global neuron address.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerDynapseCoreAddrToNeuronId (uint8_t coreId, uint8_t neuronAddrCore)

Map core ID and per-core neuron address to the correct chip global neuron address.

  • coreId – the chip’s core ID, range [0,3].

  • neuronAddrCore – the neuron’s address within this core, range [0,255].


chip global neuron address.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerDynapseSpikeEventGetX (caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the X (column) address for a spike event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event X address in pixels.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY uint16_t caerDynapseSpikeEventGetY (caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the Y (row) address for a spike event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event Y address in pixels.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_spike_event caerDynapseSpikeEventFromXY (uint16_t x, uint16_t y)

Get the chip ID, core ID and neuron ID from the X and Y coordinates. This is the reverse transform to: caerDynapseSpikeEventGetX() / caerDynapseSpikeEventGetY(). The return value is a ‘struct caer_spike_event’ because it already has functions to get/set all the needed values.


a SpikeEvent struct holding chip ID, core ID and neuron ID.

file edvs.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “serial.h

EDVS-4337 specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for iniVation EDVS-4337.


Module address: device-side DVS configuration.


Module address: device-side chip bias generator configuration.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_DVS: run the DVS chip and generate polarity event data.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_DVS: reset the time-stamp counter of the device. This is a temporary configuration switch and will reset itself right away.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: First stage amplifier cascode bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Injected ground bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull down on chip request (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull up on request from X arbiter (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Off events threshold bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull down for passive load inverters in digital AER pixel circuitry. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Refractory period bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Pull up on request from Y arbiter (AER). See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: On events threshold bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Differential (second stage amplifier) bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Source follower bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


Parameter address for module EDVS_CONFIG_BIAS: Photoreceptor bias. See ‘https://inivation.com/support/hardware/biasing/’ for more details.


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_edvs_info caerEDVSInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_edvs_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

file imu_support.h


enum caer_imu_types

List of supported IMU models.


enumerator IMU_NONE
enumerator IMU_INVENSENSE_6050_6150
enumerator IMU_INVENSENSE_9250
enumerator IMU_BOSCH_BMI_160
enum caer_imu_invensense_accel_scale

List of accelerometer scale settings for InvenSense IMUs.


enumerator ACCEL_2G
enumerator ACCEL_4G
enumerator ACCEL_8G
enumerator ACCEL_16G
enum caer_imu_invensense_gyro_scale

List of gyroscope scale settings for InvenSense IMUs.


enumerator GYRO_250DPS
enumerator GYRO_500DPS
enumerator GYRO_1000DPS
enumerator GYRO_2000DPS
enum caer_imu_bosch_accel_scale

List of accelerometer scale settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_2G
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_4G
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_8G
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_16G
enum caer_imu_bosch_accel_data_rate

List of accelerometer data rate settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_12_5HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_25HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_50HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_100HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_200HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_400HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_800HZ
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_1600HZ
enum caer_imu_bosch_accel_filter

List of accelerometer filter settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_OSR4
enumerator BOSCH_ACCEL_OSR2
enum caer_imu_bosch_gyro_scale

List of gyroscope scale settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_2000DPS
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_1000DPS
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_500DPS
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_250DPS
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_125DPS
enum caer_imu_bosch_gyro_data_rate

List of gyroscope data rate settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_25HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_50HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_100HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_200HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_400HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_800HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_1600HZ
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_3200HZ
enum caer_imu_bosch_gyro_filter

List of gyroscope filter settings for Bosch IMU.


enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_OSR4
enumerator BOSCH_GYRO_OSR2
file samsung_evk.h
#include “../events/polarity.h
#include “../events/special.h
#include “usb.h

SAMSUNG_EVK specific configuration defines and information structures.



Device type definition for Samsung EVK.


Samsung chip identifier. 640x480, semi-synchronous readout.



LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY struct caer_samsung_evk_info caerSamsungEVKInfoGet (caerDeviceHandle handle)

Return basic information on the device, such as its ID, its resolution, the logic version, and so on. See the ‘struct caer_samsung_evk_info’ documentation for more details.


handle – a valid device handle.


a copy of the device information structure if successful, an empty structure (all zeros) on failure.

file serial.h
#include “device.h

Common functions to access, configure and exchange data with supported serial port devices. Also contains defines for serial port specific configuration options.



Module address: host-side serial port configuration.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_SERIAL: read size for serial port communication.


Parameter values for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_SERIAL: possible baud-rates for serial port communication.



LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY caerDeviceHandle caerDeviceOpenSerial (uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType, const char *serialPortName, uint32_t serialBaudRate)

Open a specified serial port device, assign an ID to it and return a handle for further usage. Various means can be employed to limit the selection of the device.

  • deviceID – a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generated from its data.

  • deviceType – type of the device to open. Currently supported are: CAER_DEVICE_EDVS

  • serialPortName – name of the serial port device to open.

  • serialBaudRate – baud-rate for serial port communication.


a valid device handle that can be used with the other libcaer functions, or NULL on error. Always check for this! On error, errno is also set to provide more precise information about the failure cause.

file usb.h
#include “device.h

Common functions to access, configure and exchange data with supported USB devices. Also contains defines for USB specific configuration options.



Module address: host-side USB configuration.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_USB: set number of buffers used by libusb for asynchronous data transfers with the USB device. The default values are usually fine, only change them if you’re running into I/O limits.


Parameter address for module CAER_HOST_CONFIG_USB: set size of each buffer used by libusb for asynchronous data transfers with the USB device. The default values are usually fine, only change them if you’re running into I/O limits.


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY caerDeviceHandle caerDeviceOpen (uint16_t deviceID, uint16_t deviceType, uint8_t busNumberRestrict, uint8_t devAddressRestrict, const char *serialNumberRestrict)

Open a specified USB device, assign an ID to it and return a handle for further usage. Various means can be employed to limit the selection of the device.

  • deviceID – a unique ID to identify the device from others. Will be used as the source for EventPackets being generated from its data.


  • busNumberRestrict – restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB bus number.

  • devAddressRestrict – restrict the search for viable devices to only this USB device address.

  • serialNumberRestrict – restrict the search for viable devices to only devices which do possess the given Serial Number in their USB SerialNumber descriptor.


a valid device handle that can be used with the other libcaer functions, or NULL on error. Always check for this! On error, errno is also set to provide more precise information about the failure cause.

file common.h
#include “../libcaer.h”

Common EventPacket header format definition and handling functions. Every EventPacket, of any type, has as a first member a common header, which describes various properties of the contained events. This allows easy parsing of events. See the ‘struct caer_event_packet_header’ documentation for more details.



Generic validity mark: this bit is used to mark whether an event is still valid or not, and can be used to efficiently filter out events from a packet. The caerXXXEventValidate() and caerXXXEventInvalidate() functions should be used to toggle this! 0 in the 0th bit of the first byte means invalid, 1 means valid. This way zeroing-out an event packet sets all its events to invalid. Care must be taken to put the field containing the validity mark always as the first member of an event.


64bit timestamp support: since timestamps wrap around after some time, being only 31 bit (32 bit signed int), another timestamp at the packet level provides another 31 bit (32 bit signed int), to enable the generation of a 62 bit (64 bit signed int) microsecond timestamp which is guaranteed to never wrap around (in the next 146’138 years at least). The TSOverflow needs to be shifted by 31 thus when constructing such a timestamp.


Number of default event types that are part of libcaer. Corresponds to the count of definitions inside the ‘enum caer_default_event_types’ enumeration.


Size of the EventPacket header. This is constant across all supported systems.


Generic iterator over all events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIteratorElement’ variable of type EVENT_TYPE.

PACKET_HEADER: a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL. EVENT_TYPE: the event pointer type for this EventPacket (ie. caerPolarityEvent or caerFrameEvent).


Generic iterator close statement.


Generic iterator over only the valid events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIteratorElement’ variable of type EVENT_TYPE.

PACKET_HEADER: a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL. EVENT_TYPE: the event pointer type for this EventPacket (ie. caerPolarityEvent or caerFrameEvent).


Generic iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_event_packet_header *caerEventPacketHeader

Type for pointer to EventPacket header data structure.

typedef const struct caer_event_packet_header *caerEventPacketHeaderConst


enum caer_default_event_types

List of supported event types. Each event type has its own integer representation. All event types below 100 are reserved for use by libcaer and cAER. DO NOT USE THEM FOR YOUR OWN EVENT TYPES!


enumerator SPECIAL_EVENT

Special events.


Polarity (change, DVS) events.

enumerator FRAME_EVENT

Frame (intensity, APS) events.

enumerator IMU6_EVENT

6 axes IMU events.

enumerator IMU9_EVENT

9 axes IMU events.

enumerator SAMPLE_EVENT

ADC sample events (deprecated).

enumerator EAR_EVENT

Ear (cochlea) events (deprecated).

enumerator CONFIG_EVENT

Device configuration events (deprecated).

enumerator POINT1D_EVENT

1D measurement events (deprecated).

enumerator POINT2D_EVENT

2D measurement events (deprecated).

enumerator POINT3D_EVENT

3D measurement events (deprecated).

enumerator POINT4D_EVENT

4D measurement events (deprecated).

enumerator SPIKE_EVENT

Spike events.

enumerator MATRIX4x4_EVENT

4D matrix events (deprecated).


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_event_packet_header { int16_t eventType;int16_t eventSource;int32_t eventSize;int32_t eventTSOffset;int32_t eventTSOverflow;int32_t eventCapacity;int32_t eventNumber;int32_t eventValid;})

EventPacket header data structure definition. The size, also defined in CAER_EVENT_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE, must always be constant. The header is common to all types of event packets and is always the very first member of an event packet data structure. Signed integers are used for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned ones, such as Java.

static inline int16_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventType(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Return the numerical event type ID, representing the event type this EventPacket is containing.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the numerical event type (see ‘enum caer_default_event_types’).

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventType(caerEventPacketHeader header, int16_t eventType)

Set the numerical event type ID, representing the event type this EventPacket will contain. All event types below 100 are reserved for use by libcaer and cAER. DO NOT USE THEM FOR YOUR OWN EVENT TYPES!

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventType – the numerical event type (see ‘enum caer_default_event_types’).

static inline int16_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventSource(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the numerical event source ID, representing the event source that generated all the events present in this packet.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the numerical event source ID.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventSource(caerEventPacketHeader header, int16_t eventSource)

Set the numerical event source ID, representing the event source that generated all the events present in this packet. This ID should be unique at least within a process, if not within the whole system, to guarantee correct identification of who generated an event later on.

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventSource – the numerical event source ID.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventSize(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the size of a single event, in bytes. All events inside an event packet always have the same size.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event size in bytes.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventSize(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventSize)

Set the size of a single event, in bytes. All events inside an event packet always have the same size.

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventSize – the event size in bytes.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOffset(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the offset, in bytes, to where the field with the main 32 bit timestamp is stored. This is useful for generic access to the timestamp field, given that different event types might have it at different offsets or might even have multiple timestamps, in which case this offset references the ‘main’ timestamp, the most representative one.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event timestamp offset in bytes.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventTSOffset(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventTSOffset)

Set the offset, in bytes, to where the field with the main 32 bit timestamp is stored. This is useful for generic access to the timestamp field, given that different event types might have it at different offsets or might even have multiple timestamps, in which case this offset references the ‘main’ timestamp, the most representative one.

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventTSOffset – the event timestamp offset in bytes.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the 32 bit timestamp overflow counter (in microseconds). This is per-packet and is used to generate a 64 bit timestamp that never wraps around. Since timestamps wrap around after some time, being only 31 bit (32 bit signed int), another timestamp at the packet level provides another 31 bit (32 bit signed int), to enable the generation of a 62 bit (64 bit signed int) microsecond timestamp which is guaranteed to never wrap around (in the next 146’138 years at least).


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the packet-level timestamp overflow counter, in microseconds.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventTSOverflow(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventTSOverflow)

Set the 32 bit timestamp overflow counter (in microseconds). This is per-packet and is used to generate a 64 bit timestamp that never wraps around. Since timestamps wrap around after some time, being only 31 bit (32 bit signed int), another timestamp at the packet level provides another 31 bit (32 bit signed int), to enable the generation of a 62 bit (64 bit signed int) microsecond timestamp which is guaranteed to never wrap around (in the next 146’138 years at least).

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventTSOverflow – the packet-level timestamp overflow counter, in microseconds.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventCapacity(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the maximum number of events this packet can store.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the number of events this packet can hold.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventCapacity(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventsCapacity)

Set the maximum number of events this packet can store. This is determined at packet allocation time and should not be changed during the life-time of the packet.

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventsCapacity – the number of events this packet can hold.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventNumber(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the number of events currently stored in this packet, considering both valid and invalid events.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the number of events in this packet.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventNumber(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventsNumber)

Set the number of events currently stored in this packet, considering both valid and invalid events.

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventsNumber – the number of events in this packet.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventValid(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the number of valid events in this packet, disregarding invalid ones (where the invalid mark is set).


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the number of valid events in this packet.

static inline void caerEventPacketHeaderSetEventValid(caerEventPacketHeader header, int32_t eventsValid)

Set the number of valid events in this packet, disregarding invalid ones (where the invalid mark is set).

  • header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventsValid – the number of valid events in this packet.

static inline const void *caerGenericEventGetEvent(caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtr, int32_t n)

Get a generic pointer to an event, without having to know what event type the packet is containing.

  • headerPtr – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventNumber[ bounds.


a generic pointer to the requested event. NULL on error. This points to unmodifiable memory, as it should never be used for anything other than read operations, such as caerGenericEventGetTimestamp(). Don’t modify the memory, you have no idea what it is! If you do know, just use the proper typed packet functions.

static inline int32_t caerGenericEventGetTimestamp(const void *eventPtr, caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtr)

Get the main 32 bit timestamp for a generic event, without having to know what event type the packet is containing.

  • eventPtr – a generic pointer to an event. Cannot be NULL.

  • headerPtr – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the main 32 bit timestamp of this event.

static inline int64_t caerGenericEventGetTimestamp64(const void *eventPtr, caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtr)

Get the main 64 bit timestamp for a generic event, without having to know what event type the packet is containing. This takes the per-packet timestamp into account too, generating a timestamp that doesn’t suffer from overflow problems.

  • eventPtr – a generic pointer to an event. Cannot be NULL.

  • headerPtr – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the main 64 bit timestamp of this event.

static inline bool caerGenericEventIsValid(const void *eventPtr)

Check if the given generic event is valid or not.


eventPtr – a generic pointer to an event. Cannot be NULL.


true if the event is valid, false otherwise.

static inline bool caerGenericEventCopy(void *eventPtrDestination, const void *eventPtrSource, caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtrDestination, caerEventPacketHeaderConst headerPtrSource)

Copy a given event’s content to another location in memory.

  • eventPtrDestination – a generic pointer to an event to copy to. Cannot be NULL.

  • eventPtrSource – a generic pointer to an event to copy from. Cannot be NULL.

  • headerPtrDestination – a valid EventPacket header pointer from the destination packet. Cannot be NULL.

  • headerPtrSource – a valid EventPacket header pointer from the source packet. Cannot be NULL.


true on successful copy, false otherwise.

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketGetDataSize(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the data size of an event packet, in bytes. This is only the size of the data portion, excluding the header.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event packet data size in bytes.

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketGetSize(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the full size of an event packet, in bytes. This includes both the header and the data portion.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event packet size in bytes.

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketGetDataSizeEvents(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the data size of an event packet, in bytes, up to its last actual event. This means only up to EventNumber, not up to EventCapacity. This is only the size of the data portion, excluding the header.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event packet data size in bytes (up to event number).

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketGetSizeEvents(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Get the full size of an event packet, in bytes, up to its last actual event. This means only up to EventNumber, not up to EventCapacity. This includes both the header and the data portion.


header – a valid EventPacket header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event packet size in bytes (up to event number).

static inline bool caerEventPacketEquals(caerEventPacketHeaderConst firstPacket, caerEventPacketHeaderConst secondPacket)

Verify if two event packets are equal. This means that the header and all events are equal.

  • firstPacket – an event packet to be compared.

  • secondPacket – the other event packet to compare against.


true if both are the same, false otherwise.

static inline void caerEventPacketClear(caerEventPacketHeader packet)

Clear a packet by zeroing out all events. Capacity doesn’t change, event number is set to zero.


packet – an event packet to clear out.

static inline void caerEventPacketClean(caerEventPacketHeader packet)

Clean a packet by removing all invalid events, so that the total number of events is the number of valid events. The packet’s capacity doesn’t change.


packet – an event packet to clean.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketResize(caerEventPacketHeader packet, int32_t newEventCapacity)

Resize an event packet. First, the packet is cleaned (all invalid events removed), then:

  • If the old and new event capacity are equal, nothing else changes.

  • If the new capacity is bigger, the packet is enlarged and the new events are initialized to all zeros (invalid).

  • If the new capacity is smaller, the packet is truncated at the given point. Use free() to reclaim this memory afterwards.

  • packet – the current event packet.

  • newEventCapacity – the new maximum number of events this packet can hold. Cannot be zero.


a valid event packet handle or NULL on error. On success, the old packet handle is to be considered invalid and not to be used anymore. On failure, the old packet handle is still valid, but will have been cleaned of all invalid events!

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketGrow(caerEventPacketHeader packet, int32_t newEventCapacity)

Grows an event packet. This only supports strictly increasing the size of a packet. For a more flexible resize operation, see caerEventPacketResize(). Use free() to reclaim this memory afterwards.

  • packet – the current event packet.

  • newEventCapacity – the new maximum number of events this packet can hold. Cannot be zero.


a valid event packet handle or NULL on error. On success, the old packet handle is to be considered invalid and not to be used anymore. On failure, the old packet handle is not touched in any way.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketAppend(caerEventPacketHeader packet, caerEventPacketHeader appendPacket)

Appends an event packet to another. This is a simple append operation, no timestamp reordering is done. Please ensure time is monotonically increasing over the two packets! Use free() to reclaim this memory afterwards.

  • packet – the main events packet.

  • appendPacket – the events packet to append on the main one.


a valid event packet handle or NULL on error. On success, the old packet handle is to be considered invalid and not to be used anymore. On failure, the old packet handle is not touched in any way. The appendPacket handle is never touched in any way.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketCopy(caerEventPacketHeaderConst packet)

Make a full copy of an event packet (up to eventCapacity).


packet – an event packet to copy.


a full copy of an event packet.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketCopyOnlyEvents(caerEventPacketHeaderConst packet)

Make a copy of an event packet, sized down to only include the currently present events (eventNumber, valid+invalid), and not including the possible extra unused events (up to eventCapacity).


packet – an event packet to copy.


a sized down copy of an event packet.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketCopyOnlyValidEvents(caerEventPacketHeaderConst packet)

Make a copy of an event packet, sized down to only include the currently valid events (eventValid), and discarding everything else.


packet – an event packet to copy.


a copy of an event packet, containing only valid events.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow, int16_t eventType, int32_t eventSize, int32_t eventTSOffset)

Allocate memory for an event packet and fill its header with the proper information. THIS FUNCTION IS INTENDED FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY BY THE VARIOUS EVENT PACKET TYPES FOR MEMORY ALLOCATION.


memory for an event packet, NULL on error.

file frame.h
#include “common.h

Frame Events format definition and handling functions. This event type encodes intensity frames, like you would get from a normal APS camera. It supports multiple channels for color, color filter information, as well as multiple Regions of Interest (ROI). The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner of the screen, like in OpenCV/computer graphics. The pixel array is laid out row by row (increasing X axis), going from top to bottom (increasing Y axis). To copy a frame event, the usual assignment operator = cannot be used. Please use caerGenericEventCopy() to copy frame events!



Shift and mask values for the color channels number, the color filter arrangement and the ROI identifier contained in the ‘info’ field of the frame event. Multiple channels (RGB for example) are possible, see the ‘enum caer_frame_event_color_channels’. To understand the original color filter arrangement to interpolate color images, see the ‘enum caer_frame_event_color_filter’. Also, up to 128 different Regions of Interest (ROI) can be tracked. Bit 0 is the valid mark, see ‘common.h’ for more details.


Iterator over all frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEvent.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEventConst.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEvent.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEventConst.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEvent.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEventConst.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEvent.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid frame events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerFrameIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerFrameIteratorElement’ variable of type caerFrameEventConst.

FRAME_PACKET: a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_frame_event *caerFrameEvent

Type for pointer to frame event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_frame_event *caerFrameEventConst
typedef struct caer_frame_event_packet *caerFrameEventPacket

Type for pointer to frame event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_frame_event_packet *caerFrameEventPacketConst


enum caer_frame_event_color_channels

List of all frame event color channel identifiers. Used to interpret the frame event color channel field.


enumerator GRAYSCALE

Grayscale, one channel only.

enumerator RGB

Red Green Blue, 3 color channels.

enumerator RGBA

Red Green Blue Alpha, 3 color channels plus transparency.

enum caer_frame_event_color_filter

List of all frame event color filter identifiers. Used to interpret the frame event color filter field.


enumerator MONO

No color filter present, all light passes.

enumerator RGBG

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 1.

enumerator GRGB

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 2.

enumerator GBGR

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 3.

enumerator BGRG

Standard Bayer color filter, 1 red 2 green 1 blue. Variation 4.

enumerator RGBW

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 1.

enumerator GRWB

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 2.

enumerator WBGR

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 3.

enumerator BWRG

Modified Bayer color filter, with white (pass all light) instead of extra green. Variation 4.


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_frame_event { uint32_t info;int32_t ts_startframe;int32_t ts_endframe;int32_t ts_startexposure;int32_t ts_endexposure;int32_t lengthX;int32_t lengthY;int32_t positionX;int32_t positionY;uint16_t pixels[1];})

Frame event data structure definition. This contains the actual information on the frame (ROI, color channels, color filter), several timestamps to signal start and end of capture and of exposure, as well as the actual pixels, in a 16 bit normalized format. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics. The pixel array is laid out row by row (increasing X axis), going from top to bottom (increasing Y axis). Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java. To copy a frame event, the usual assignment operator = cannot be used. Please use caerGenericEventCopy() to copy frame events!

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_frame_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;})

Frame event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block. Direct access to the events array is not possible for Frame events. To calculate position offsets, use the ‘eventSize’ field in the packet header.

static inline caerFrameEventPacket caerFrameEventPacketAllocateNumPixels(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow, int32_t maxNumPixels, int16_t maxChannelNumber)

Allocate a new frame events packet, passing the total number of maximum pixels instead of the maximum X/Y dimensions expected. Use free() to reclaim this memory. The frame events allocate memory for a maximum sized pixels array, depending on the parameters passed to this function, so that every event occupies the same amount of memory (constant size). The actual frames inside of it might be smaller than that, for example when using ROI, and their actual size is stored inside the frame event and should always be queried from there. The unused part of a pixels array is guaranteed to be zeros.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.

  • maxNumPixels – the maximum number of pixels that can be held by a frame event.

  • maxChannelNumber – the maximum expected number of channels for frames in this packet.


a valid FrameEventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerFrameEventPacket caerFrameEventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow, int32_t maxLengthX, int32_t maxLengthY, int16_t maxChannelNumber)

Allocate a new frame events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory. The frame events allocate memory for a maximum sized pixels array, depending on the parameters passed to this function, so that every event occupies the same amount of memory (constant size). The actual frames inside of it might be smaller than that, for example when using ROI, and their actual size is stored inside the frame event and should always be queried from there. The unused part of a pixels array is guaranteed to be zeros.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.

  • maxLengthX – the maximum expected X axis size for frames in this packet.

  • maxLengthY – the maximum expected Y axis size for frames in this packet.

  • maxChannelNumber – the maximum expected number of channels for frames in this packet.


a valid FrameEventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerFrameEventPacket caerFrameEventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into a Frame event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerFrameEventPacketConst caerFrameEventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only Frame event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerFrameEvent caerFrameEventPacketGetEvent(caerFrameEventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the frame event at the given index from the event packet. To copy a frame event, the usual assignment operator = cannot be used. Please use caerGenericEventCopy() to copy frame events!

  • packet – a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested frame event. NULL on error.

static inline caerFrameEventConst caerFrameEventPacketGetEventConst(caerFrameEventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the frame event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way! To copy a frame event, the usual assignment operator = cannot be used. Please use caerGenericEventCopy() to copy frame events!

  • packet – a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only frame event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetTSStartOfFrame(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the 32bit start of frame capture timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond start of frame timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerFrameEventGetTSStartOfFrame64(caerFrameEventConst event, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit start of frame capture timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond start of frame timestamp.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetTSStartOfFrame(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t startFrame)

Set the 32bit start of frame capture timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • startFrame – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetTSEndOfFrame(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the 32bit end of frame capture timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond end of frame timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerFrameEventGetTSEndOfFrame64(caerFrameEventConst event, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit end of frame capture timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond end of frame timestamp.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetTSEndOfFrame(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t endFrame)

Set the 32bit end of frame capture timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • endFrame – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetTSStartOfExposure(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the 32bit start of exposure timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond start of exposure timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerFrameEventGetTSStartOfExposure64(caerFrameEventConst event, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit start of exposure timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond start of exposure timestamp.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetTSStartOfExposure(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t startExposure)

Set the 32bit start of exposure timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • startExposure – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetTSEndOfExposure(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the 32bit end of exposure timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond end of exposure timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerFrameEventGetTSEndOfExposure64(caerFrameEventConst event, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit end of exposure timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond end of exposure timestamp.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetTSEndOfExposure(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t endExposure)

Set the 32bit end of exposure timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • endExposure – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetExposureLength(caerFrameEventConst event)

The total length, in microseconds, of the frame exposure time.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the exposure time in microseconds.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetTimestamp(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. This is a median of the exposure timestamps. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerFrameEventGetTimestamp64(caerFrameEventConst event, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. This is a median of the exposure timestamps. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerFrameEventIsValid(caerFrameEventConst event)

Check if this frame event is valid.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerFrameEventValidate(caerFrameEvent event, caerFrameEventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerFrameEventInvalidate(caerFrameEvent event, caerFrameEventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline size_t caerFrameEventPacketGetPixelsSize(caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the maximum size of the pixels array in bytes, based upon how much memory was allocated to it by ‘caerFrameEventPacketAllocate()’.


packet – a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


maximum pixels array size in bytes.

static inline size_t caerFrameEventPacketGetPixelsMaxIndex(caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Get the maximum index into the pixels array, based upon how much memory was allocated to it by ‘caerFrameEventPacketAllocate()’.


packet – a valid FrameEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


maximum pixels array index.

static inline uint8_t caerFrameEventGetROIIdentifier(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the numerical identifier for the Region of Interest (ROI) region, to distinguish between multiple of them.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


numerical ROI identifier.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetROIIdentifier(caerFrameEvent event, uint8_t roiIdentifier)

Set the numerical identifier for the Region of Interest (ROI) region, to distinguish between multiple of them.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • roiIdentifier – numerical ROI identifier.

static inline enum caer_frame_event_color_filter caerFrameEventGetColorFilter(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the identifier for the color filter used by the sensor. Useful for interpolating color images.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


color filter identifier.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetColorFilter(caerFrameEvent event, enum caer_frame_event_color_filter colorFilter)

Set the identifier for the color filter used by the sensor. Useful for interpolating color images.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • colorFilter – color filter identifier.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetLengthX(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the actual X axis length for the current frame.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


frame X axis length.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetLengthY(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the actual Y axis length for the current frame.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


frame Y axis length.

static inline enum caer_frame_event_color_channels caerFrameEventGetChannelNumber(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the actual color channels number for the current frame. This can be used to store RGB frames for example.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


frame color channels number.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetLengthXLengthYChannelNumber(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t lengthX, int32_t lengthY, enum caer_frame_event_color_channels channelNumber, caerFrameEventPacketConst packet)

Set the X and Y axes length and the color channels number for a frame, while taking into account the maximum amount of memory available for the pixel array, as allocated in ‘caerFrameEventPacketAllocate()’.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • lengthX – the frame’s X axis length.

  • lengthY – the frame’s Y axis length.

  • channelNumber – the number of color channels for this frame.

  • packet – the FrameEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline size_t caerFrameEventGetPixelsMaxIndex(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the maximum valid index into the pixel array, at which you can still get valid pixels.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


maximum valid pixels array index.

static inline size_t caerFrameEventGetPixelsSize(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the maximum size of the pixels array in bytes, in which you can still get valid pixels.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


maximum valid pixels array size in bytes.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetPositionX(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the X axis position offset. This is used to place partial frames, like the ones gotten from ROI readouts, in the visual space.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


X axis position offset.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPositionX(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t positionX)

Set the X axis position offset. This is used to place partial frames, like the ones gotten from ROI readouts, in the visual space.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • positionX – X axis position offset.

static inline int32_t caerFrameEventGetPositionY(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get the Y axis position offset. This is used to place partial frames, like the ones gotten from ROI readouts, in the visual space.


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Y axis position offset.

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPositionY(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t positionY)

Set the Y axis position offset. This is used to place partial frames, like the ones gotten from ROI readouts, in the visual space.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • positionY – Y axis position offset.

static inline uint16_t caerFrameEventGetPixel(caerFrameEventConst event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress)

Get the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address. (X, Y) are checked against the actual possible values for this frame. Different channels are not taken into account! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (checked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (checked).


pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPixel(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint16_t pixelValue)

Set the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address. (X, Y) are checked against the actual possible values for this frame. Different channels are not taken into account! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (checked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (checked).

  • pixelValue – pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline uint16_t caerFrameEventGetPixelForChannel(caerFrameEventConst event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel)

Get the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address, taking into account the specified channel. (X, Y) and the channel number are checked against the actual possible values for this frame. The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (checked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (checked).

  • channel – the channel number (checked).


pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPixelForChannel(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel, uint16_t pixelValue)

Set the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address, taking into account the specified channel. (X, Y) and the channel number are checked against the actual possible values for this frame. The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (checked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (checked).

  • channel – the channel number (checked).

  • pixelValue – pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline uint16_t caerFrameEventGetPixelUnsafe(caerFrameEventConst event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress)

Get the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address. No checks on (X, Y) are performed! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (unchecked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (unchecked).


pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPixelUnsafe(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint16_t pixelValue)

Set the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address. No checks on (X, Y) are performed! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (unchecked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (unchecked).

  • pixelValue – pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline uint16_t caerFrameEventGetPixelForChannelUnsafe(caerFrameEventConst event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel)

Get the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address, taking into account the specified channel. No checks on (X, Y) and the channel number are performed! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (unchecked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (unchecked).

  • channel – the channel number (unchecked).


pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline void caerFrameEventSetPixelForChannelUnsafe(caerFrameEvent event, int32_t xAddress, int32_t yAddress, uint8_t channel, uint16_t pixelValue)

Set the pixel value at the specified (X, Y) address, taking into account the specified channel. No checks on (X, Y) and the channel number are performed! The (0, 0) pixel is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – X address value (unchecked).

  • yAddress – Y address value (unchecked).

  • channel – the channel number (unchecked).

  • pixelValue – pixel value (normalized to 16 bit depth).

static inline uint16_t *caerFrameEventGetPixelArrayUnsafe(caerFrameEvent event)

Get a direct pointer to the underlying pixels array. This can be used to both get and set values. No checks at all are performed at any point, nor any conversions, use this at your own risk! Remember that the 16 bit pixel values are in little-endian! The pixel array is laid out row by row (increasing X axis), going from top to bottom (increasing Y axis).


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the pixels array (16 bit integers are little-endian).

static inline const uint16_t *caerFrameEventGetPixelArrayUnsafeConst(caerFrameEventConst event)

Get a direct read-only pointer to the underlying pixels array. This can be used to only get values. No checks at all are performed at any point, nor any conversions, use this at your own risk! Remember that the 16 bit pixel values are in little-endian! The pixel array is laid out row by row (increasing X axis), going from top to bottom (increasing Y axis).


event – a valid FrameEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the read-only pixels array (16 bit integers are little-endian).

file imu6.h
#include “common.h

IMU6 (6 axes) Events format definition and handling functions. This contains data coming from the Inertial Measurement Unit chip, with the 3-axes accelerometer and 3-axes gyroscope. Temperature is also included.



Iterator over all IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6Event.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6EventConst.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6Event.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6EventConst.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6Event.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6EventConst.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6Event.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid IMU6 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU6IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU6EventConst.

IMU6_PACKET: a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_imu6_event *caerIMU6Event

Type for pointer to IMU 6-axes event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_imu6_event *caerIMU6EventConst
typedef struct caer_imu6_event_packet *caerIMU6EventPacket

Type for pointer to IMU 6-axes event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_imu6_event_packet *caerIMU6EventPacketConst


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_imu6_event { uint32_t info;int32_t timestamp;float accel_x;float accel_y;float accel_z;float gyro_x;float gyro_y;float gyro_z;float temp;})

IMU 6-axes event data structure definition. This contains accelerometer and gyroscope headings, plus temperature. The X, Y and Z axes are referred to the camera plane. X increases to the right, Y going up and Z towards where the lens is pointing. Rotation for the gyroscope is counter-clockwise along the increasing axis, for all three axes. Floats are in IEEE 754-2008 binary32 format. Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java.

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_imu6_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;struct caer_imu6_event events[];})

IMU 6-axes event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block.

static inline caerIMU6EventPacket caerIMU6EventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)

Allocate a new IMU 6-axes events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.


a valid IMU6EventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerIMU6EventPacket caerIMU6EventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into an IMU 6-axes event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerIMU6EventPacketConst caerIMU6EventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only IMU 6-axes event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerIMU6Event caerIMU6EventPacketGetEvent(caerIMU6EventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the IMU 6-axes event at the given index from the event packet.

  • packet – a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested IMU 6-axes event. NULL on error.

static inline caerIMU6EventConst caerIMU6EventPacketGetEventConst(caerIMU6EventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the IMU 6-axes event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way!

  • packet – a valid IMU6EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only IMU 6-axes event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerIMU6EventGetTimestamp(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerIMU6EventGetTimestamp64(caerIMU6EventConst event, caerIMU6EventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU6EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetTimestamp(caerIMU6Event event, int32_t timestamp)

Set the 32bit event timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • timestamp – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerIMU6EventIsValid(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Check if this IMU 6-axes event is valid.


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerIMU6EventValidate(caerIMU6Event event, caerIMU6EventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU6EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerIMU6EventInvalidate(caerIMU6Event event, caerIMU6EventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU6EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetAccelX(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the X axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the X axis.

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetAccelX(caerIMU6Event event, float accelX)

Set the X axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelX – acceleration on the X axis.

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetAccelY(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the Y axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the Y axis.

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetAccelY(caerIMU6Event event, float accelY)

Set the Y axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelY – acceleration on the Y axis.

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetAccelZ(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the Z axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the Z axis.

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetAccelZ(caerIMU6Event event, float accelZ)

Set the Z axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelZ – acceleration on the Z axis.

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetGyroX(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the X axis (roll) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the X axis (roll).

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetGyroX(caerIMU6Event event, float gyroX)

Set the X axis (roll) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroX – angular velocity on the X axis (roll).

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetGyroY(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the Y axis (pitch) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the Y axis (pitch).

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetGyroY(caerIMU6Event event, float gyroY)

Set the Y axis (pitch) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroY – angular velocity on the Y axis (pitch).

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetGyroZ(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the Z axis (yaw) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the Z axis (yaw).

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetGyroZ(caerIMU6Event event, float gyroZ)

Set the Z axis (yaw) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroZ – angular velocity on the Z axis (yaw).

static inline float caerIMU6EventGetTemp(caerIMU6EventConst event)

Get the temperature reading. This is in °C.


event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


temperature in °C.

static inline void caerIMU6EventSetTemp(caerIMU6Event event, float temp)

Set the temperature reading. This is in °C.

  • event – a valid IMU6Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • temp – temperature in °C.

file imu9.h
#include “common.h

IMU9 (9 axes) Events format definition and handling functions. This contains data coming from the Inertial Measurement Unit chip, with the 3-axes accelerometer and 3-axes gyroscope. Temperature is also included. Further, 3-axes from the magnetometer are included, which can be used to get a compass-like heading.



Iterator over all IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9Event.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9EventConst.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9Event.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9EventConst.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9Event.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9EventConst.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9Event.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid IMU9 events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerIMU9IteratorElement’ variable of type caerIMU9EventConst.

IMU9_PACKET: a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_imu9_event *caerIMU9Event

Type for pointer to IMU 9-axes event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_imu9_event *caerIMU9EventConst
typedef struct caer_imu9_event_packet *caerIMU9EventPacket

Type for pointer to IMU 9-axes event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_imu9_event_packet *caerIMU9EventPacketConst


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_imu9_event { uint32_t info;int32_t timestamp;float accel_x;float accel_y;float accel_z;float gyro_x;float gyro_y;float gyro_z;float temp;float comp_x;float comp_y;float comp_z;})

IMU 9-axes event data structure definition. This contains accelerometer and gyroscope headings, plus temperature, and magnetometer readings. The X, Y and Z axes are referred to the camera plane. X increases to the right, Y going up and Z towards where the lens is pointing. Rotation for the gyroscope is counter-clockwise along the increasing axis, for all three axes. Floats are in IEEE 754-2008 binary32 format. Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java.

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_imu9_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;struct caer_imu9_event events[];})

IMU 9-axes event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block.

static inline caerIMU9EventPacket caerIMU9EventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)

Allocate a new IMU 9-axes events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.


a valid IMU9EventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerIMU9EventPacket caerIMU9EventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into an IMU 9-axes event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerIMU9EventPacketConst caerIMU9EventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only IMU 9-axes event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerIMU9Event caerIMU9EventPacketGetEvent(caerIMU9EventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the IMU 9-axes event at the given index from the event packet.

  • packet – a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested IMU 9-axes event. NULL on error.

static inline caerIMU9EventConst caerIMU9EventPacketGetEventConst(caerIMU9EventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the IMU 9-axes event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way!

  • packet – a valid IMU9EventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only IMU 9-axes event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerIMU9EventGetTimestamp(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerIMU9EventGetTimestamp64(caerIMU9EventConst event, caerIMU9EventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU9EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetTimestamp(caerIMU9Event event, int32_t timestamp)

Set the 32bit event timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • timestamp – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerIMU9EventIsValid(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Check if this IMU 9-axes event is valid.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerIMU9EventValidate(caerIMU9Event event, caerIMU9EventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU9EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerIMU9EventInvalidate(caerIMU9Event event, caerIMU9EventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the IMU9EventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetAccelX(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the X axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the X axis.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetAccelX(caerIMU9Event event, float accelX)

Set the X axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelX – acceleration on the X axis.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetAccelY(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Y axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the Y axis.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetAccelY(caerIMU9Event event, float accelY)

Set the Y axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelY – acceleration on the Y axis.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetAccelZ(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Z axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


acceleration on the Z axis.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetAccelZ(caerIMU9Event event, float accelZ)

Set the Z axis acceleration reading (from accelerometer). This is in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • accelZ – acceleration on the Z axis.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetGyroX(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the X axis (roll) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the X axis (roll).

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetGyroX(caerIMU9Event event, float gyroX)

Set the X axis (roll) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroX – angular velocity on the X axis (roll).

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetGyroY(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Y axis (pitch) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the Y axis (pitch).

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetGyroY(caerIMU9Event event, float gyroY)

Set the Y axis (pitch) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroY – angular velocity on the Y axis (pitch).

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetGyroZ(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Z axis (yaw) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


angular velocity on the Z axis (yaw).

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetGyroZ(caerIMU9Event event, float gyroZ)

Set the Z axis (yaw) angular velocity reading (from gyroscope). This is in °/s (deg/sec).

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • gyroZ – angular velocity on the Z axis (yaw).

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetTemp(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the temperature reading. This is in °C.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


temperature in °C.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetTemp(caerIMU9Event event, float temp)

Set the temperature reading. This is in °C.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • temp – temperature in °C.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetCompX(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the X axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


X axis compass heading.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetCompX(caerIMU9Event event, float compX)

Set the X axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • compX – X axis compass heading.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetCompY(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Y axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Y axis compass heading.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetCompY(caerIMU9Event event, float compY)

Set the Y axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • compY – Y axis compass heading.

static inline float caerIMU9EventGetCompZ(caerIMU9EventConst event)

Get the Z axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.


event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Z axis compass heading.

static inline void caerIMU9EventSetCompZ(caerIMU9Event event, float compZ)

Set the Z axis compass heading (from magnetometer). This is in µT.

  • event – a valid IMU9Event pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • compZ – Z axis compass heading.

file packetContainer.h
#include “common.h

EventPacketContainer format definition and handling functions. An EventPacketContainer is a logical construct that contains packets of events (EventPackets) of different event types, with the aim of keeping related events of differing types, such as DVS and IMU data, together. Such a relation is usually based on time intervals, trying to keep groups of event happening in a certain time-slice together. This time-order is based on the main time-stamp of an event, the one whose offset is referenced in the event packet header and that is used by the caerGenericEvent*() functions. It’s guaranteed that all conforming input modules keep to this rule, generating containers that include all events from all types within the given time-slice. The smallest and largest timestamps are tracked at the packet container level as a convenience, to avoid having to examine all packets for this often useful piece of information. All integers are in their native host format, as this is a purely internal, in-memory data structure, never meant for exchange between different systems (and different endianness).

== Packet Containers and Input Modules == The “packeting system” works in this way: events are accumulated by type in a packet, and that packet is part of a packet container, by an input module. The packet container is then sent out for processing when either the configured time limit or the size limit are hit. The time limit is always active, in microseconds, and basically tells you the time-span an event packet covers. This enables regular, constant delivery of packets, that cover a period of time. The size limit is an addon to prevent packets to grow to immense sizes (like if the time limit is high and there is lots of activity). As soon as a packet hits the number of events in the size limit, it is sent out. The regular time limit is not reset in this case. This size limit can be disabled by setting it to 0. The cAER DVS128/DAVIS/File/Network input modules call these two configuration variables “PacketContainerInterval” and “PacketContainerMaxPacketSize”. Too small packet sizes or intervals simply mean more packets, which may negatively affect performance. It’s usually a good idea to set the size to something around 4-8K, and the time to a good value based on the application you’re building, so if you need ms-reaction-time, you probably want to set it to 1000µs, so that you do get new data every ms. If on the other hand you’re looking at a static scene and just want to detect that something is passing by once every while, a higher number like 100ms might also be perfectly appropriate.



Iterator over all event packets in an event packet container. Returns the current index in the ‘caerEventPacketContainerIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event packet in the ‘caerEventPacketContainerIteratorElement’ variable of type caerEventPacketHeader. The current packet may be NULL, in which case it is skipped during iteration.

PACKET_CONTAINER: a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, no iteration is performed.


Const-Iterator over all event packets in an event packet container. Returns the current index in the ‘caerEventPacketContainerIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event packet in the ‘caerEventPacketContainerIteratorElement’ variable of type caerEventPacketHeaderConst. The current packet may be NULL, in which case it is skipped during iteration.

PACKET_CONTAINER: a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, no iteration is performed.


Iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_event_packet_container *caerEventPacketContainer

Type for pointer to EventPacketContainer data structure.

typedef const struct caer_event_packet_container *caerEventPacketContainerConst


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_event_packet_container { int64_t lowestEventTimestamp;int64_t highestEventTimestamp;int32_t eventsNumber;int32_t eventsValidNumber;int32_t eventPacketsNumber;caerEventPacketHeader eventPackets[];})

EventPacketContainer data structure definition. Signed integers are used for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned ones, such as Java.

static inline caerEventPacketContainer caerEventPacketContainerAllocate(int32_t eventPacketsNumber)

Allocate a new EventPacketContainer with enough space to store up to the given number of EventPacket pointers. All packet pointers will be NULL initially.


eventPacketsNumber – the maximum number of EventPacket pointers that can be stored in this container.


a valid EventPacketContainer handle or NULL on error.

static inline void caerEventPacketContainerUpdateStatistics(caerEventPacketContainer container)

Recalculates and updates all the packet-container level statistics (event counts and timestamps).


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, nothing happens.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacketsNumber(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Get the maximum number of EventPacket pointers that can be stored in this particular EventPacketContainer.


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, zero is returned.


the number of EventPacket pointers that can be contained.

static inline void caerEventPacketContainerSetEventPacketsNumber(caerEventPacketContainer container, int32_t eventPacketsNumber)

Set the maximum number of EventPacket pointers that can be stored in this particular EventPacketContainer. This should never be used directly, caerEventPacketContainerAllocate() sets this for you.

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, nothing happens.

  • eventPacketsNumber – the number of EventPacket pointers that can be contained.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacket(caerEventPacketContainerConst container, int32_t n)

Get the pointer to the EventPacket stored in this container at the given index.

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, returns NULL too.

  • n – the index of the EventPacket to get.


a pointer to an EventPacket or NULL on error.

static inline caerEventPacketHeaderConst caerEventPacketContainerGetEventPacketConst(caerEventPacketContainerConst container, int32_t n)

Get the pointer to the EventPacket stored in this container at the given index. This is a read-only EventPacket, do not change its contents in any way!

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, returns NULL too.

  • n – the index of the EventPacket to get.


a pointer to a read-only EventPacket or NULL on error.

static inline void caerEventPacketContainerSetEventPacket(caerEventPacketContainer container, int32_t n, caerEventPacketHeader packetHeader)

Set the pointer to the EventPacket stored in this container at the given index.

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, nothing happens.

  • n – the index of the EventPacket to set.

  • packetHeader – a pointer to an EventPacket’s header. Can be NULL.

static inline void caerEventPacketContainerFree(caerEventPacketContainer container)

Free the memory occupied by an EventPacketContainer, as well as freeing all of its contained EventPackets and their memory. If you don’t want the contained EventPackets to be freed, make sure that you set their pointers to NULL before calling this.


container – the container to be freed.

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketContainerGetLowestEventTimestamp(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Get the lowest timestamp contained in this event packet container.


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, -1 is returned.


the lowest timestamp (in µs) or -1 if not initialized.

static inline int64_t caerEventPacketContainerGetHighestEventTimestamp(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Get the highest timestamp contained in this event packet container.


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, -1 is returned.


the highest timestamp (in µs) or -1 if not initialized.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketContainerGetEventsNumber(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Get the number of events contained in this event packet container.


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, 0 is returned.


the number of events in this container.

static inline int32_t caerEventPacketContainerGetEventsValidNumber(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Get the number of valid events contained in this event packet container.


container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, 0 is returned.


the number of valid events in this container.

static inline caerEventPacketHeader caerEventPacketContainerFindEventPacketByType(caerEventPacketContainerConst container, int16_t typeID)

Get the pointer to an EventPacket stored in this container with the given event type. This returns the first found event packet with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, returns NULL too.

  • typeID – the event type to search for.


a pointer to an EventPacket with a certain type or NULL if none found.

static inline caerEventPacketHeaderConst caerEventPacketContainerFindEventPacketByTypeConst(caerEventPacketContainerConst container, int16_t typeID)

Get the pointer to a read-only EventPacket stored in this container with the given event type. This returns the first found event packet with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event packet.

  • container – a valid EventPacketContainer handle. If NULL, returns NULL too.

  • typeID – the event type to search for.


a pointer to a read-only EventPacket with a certain type or NULL if none found.

static inline caerEventPacketContainer caerEventPacketContainerCopyAllEvents(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Make a deep copy of an event packet container and all of its event packets and their current events.


container – an event packet container to copy.


a deep copy of an event packet container, containing all events.

static inline caerEventPacketContainer caerEventPacketContainerCopyValidEvents(caerEventPacketContainerConst container)

Make a deep copy of an event packet container, with its event packets sized down to only include the currently valid events (eventValid), and discarding everything else.


container – an event packet container to copy.


a deep copy of an event packet container, containing only valid events.

file polarity.h
#include “common.h

Polarity Events format definition and handling functions. This event contains change information, with an X/Y address and an ON/OFF polarity. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner of the screen, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.



Shift and mask values for the polarity, X and Y addresses of a polarity event. Addresses up to 15 bit are supported. Polarity is ON(=1) or OFF(=0). Bit 0 is the valid mark, see ‘common.h’ for more details.


Iterator over all polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEvent.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEventConst.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEvent.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEventConst.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEvent.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEventConst.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEvent.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid polarity events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerPolarityIteratorElement’ variable of type caerPolarityEventConst.

POLARITY_PACKET: a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_polarity_event *caerPolarityEvent

Type for pointer to polarity event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_polarity_event *caerPolarityEventConst
typedef struct caer_polarity_event_packet *caerPolarityEventPacket

Type for pointer to polarity event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_polarity_event_packet *caerPolarityEventPacketConst


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_polarity_event { uint32_t data;int32_t timestamp;})

Polarity event data structure definition. This contains the actual X/Y addresses, the polarity, as well as the 32 bit event timestamp. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner of the screen, like in OpenCV/computer graphics. Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java.

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_polarity_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;struct caer_polarity_event events[];})

Polarity event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block.

static inline caerPolarityEventPacket caerPolarityEventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)

Allocate a new polarity events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.


a valid PolarityEventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerPolarityEventPacket caerPolarityEventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into a Polarity event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerPolarityEventPacketConst caerPolarityEventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only Polarity event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerPolarityEvent caerPolarityEventPacketGetEvent(caerPolarityEventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the polarity event at the given index from the event packet.

  • packet – a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested polarity event. NULL on error.

static inline caerPolarityEventConst caerPolarityEventPacketGetEventConst(caerPolarityEventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the polarity event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way!

  • packet – a valid PolarityEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only polarity event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerPolarityEventGetTimestamp(caerPolarityEventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerPolarityEventGetTimestamp64(caerPolarityEventConst event, caerPolarityEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the PolarityEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline void caerPolarityEventSetTimestamp(caerPolarityEvent event, int32_t timestamp)

Set the 32bit event timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • timestamp – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerPolarityEventIsValid(caerPolarityEventConst event)

Check if this polarity event is valid.


event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerPolarityEventValidate(caerPolarityEvent event, caerPolarityEventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the PolarityEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerPolarityEventInvalidate(caerPolarityEvent event, caerPolarityEventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the PolarityEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline bool caerPolarityEventGetPolarity(caerPolarityEventConst event)

Get the change event polarity. 1 is ON, 0 is OFF.


event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


event polarity value.

static inline void caerPolarityEventSetPolarity(caerPolarityEvent event, bool polarity)

Set the change event polarity. 1 is ON, 0 is OFF.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • polarity – event polarity value.

static inline uint16_t caerPolarityEventGetY(caerPolarityEventConst event)

Get the Y (row) address for a change event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.


event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event Y address.

static inline void caerPolarityEventSetY(caerPolarityEvent event, uint16_t yAddress)

Set the Y (row) address for a change event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • yAddress – the event Y address.

static inline uint16_t caerPolarityEventGetX(caerPolarityEventConst event)

Get the X (column) address for a change event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.


event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the event X address.

static inline void caerPolarityEventSetX(caerPolarityEvent event, uint16_t xAddress)

Set the X (column) address for a change event, in pixels. The (0, 0) address is in the upper left corner, like in OpenCV/computer graphics.

  • event – a valid PolarityEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • xAddress – the event X address.

file special.h
#include “common.h

Special Events format definition and handling functions. This event type encodes special occurrences, such as timestamp related notifications or external input events.



Shift and mask values for the type and data portions of a special event. Up to 128 types, with 24 bits of data each, are possible. Bit 0 is the valid mark, see ‘common.h’ for more details.


Iterator over all special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEvent.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEventConst.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEvent.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEventConst.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEvent.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEventConst.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEvent.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid special events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpecialIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpecialEventConst.

SPECIAL_PACKET: a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_special_event *caerSpecialEvent

Type for pointer to special event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_special_event *caerSpecialEventConst
typedef struct caer_special_event_packet *caerSpecialEventPacket

Type for pointer to special event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_special_event_packet *caerSpecialEventPacketConst


enum caer_special_event_types

List of all special event type identifiers. Used to interpret the special event type field.



A 32 bit timestamp wrap occurred.


A timestamp reset occurred.


A rising edge was detected (External Input module on device).


A falling edge was detected (External Input module on device).


A pulse was detected (External Input module on device).

enumerator DVS_ROW_ONLY

A DVS row-only event was detected (a row address without any following column addresses).


A rising edge was detected (External Input 1 module on device).


A falling edge was detected (External Input 1 module on device).


A pulse was detected (External Input 1 module on device).


A rising edge was detected (External Input 2 module on device).


A falling edge was detected (External Input 2 module on device).


A pulse was detected (External Input 2 module on device).


A rising edge was generated (External Input Generator module on device).


A falling edge was generated (External Input Generator module on device).

enumerator APS_FRAME_START

An APS frame capture has started (Frame Event will follow).

enumerator APS_FRAME_END

An APS frame capture has completed (Frame Event is alongside).


An APS frame exposure has started (Frame Event will follow).


An APS frame exposure has completed (Frame Event will follow).


Start of a new event readout from synchronous scanning sensors.


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_special_event { uint32_t data;int32_t timestamp;})

Special event data structure definition. This contains the actual data, as well as the 32 bit event timestamp. Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java.

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_special_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;struct caer_special_event events[];})

Special event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block.

static inline caerSpecialEventPacket caerSpecialEventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)

Allocate a new special events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.


a valid SpecialEventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerSpecialEventPacket caerSpecialEventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into a Special event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerSpecialEventPacketConst caerSpecialEventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only Special event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerSpecialEvent caerSpecialEventPacketGetEvent(caerSpecialEventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the special event at the given index from the event packet.

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested special event. NULL on error.

static inline caerSpecialEventConst caerSpecialEventPacketGetEventConst(caerSpecialEventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the special event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way!

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only special event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerSpecialEventGetTimestamp(caerSpecialEventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerSpecialEventGetTimestamp64(caerSpecialEventConst event, caerSpecialEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpecialEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline void caerSpecialEventSetTimestamp(caerSpecialEvent event, int32_t timestamp)

Set the 32bit event timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • timestamp – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerSpecialEventIsValid(caerSpecialEventConst event)

Check if this special event is valid.


event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerSpecialEventValidate(caerSpecialEvent event, caerSpecialEventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpecialEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerSpecialEventInvalidate(caerSpecialEvent event, caerSpecialEventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpecialEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline uint8_t caerSpecialEventGetType(caerSpecialEventConst event)

Get the numerical special event type.


event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the special event type (see ‘enum caer_special_event_types’).

static inline void caerSpecialEventSetType(caerSpecialEvent event, uint8_t type)

Set the numerical special event type.

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • type – the special event type (see ‘enum caer_special_event_types’).

static inline uint32_t caerSpecialEventGetData(caerSpecialEventConst event)

Get the special event data. Its meaning depends on the type. Current types that make use of it are (see ‘enum caer_special_event_types’):

  • DVS_ROW_ONLY: encodes the address of the row from the row-only event.


event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the special event data.

static inline void caerSpecialEventSetData(caerSpecialEvent event, uint32_t data)

Set the special event data. Its meaning depends on the type. Current types that make use of it are (see ‘enum caer_special_event_types’):

  • DVS_ROW_ONLY: encodes the address of the row from the row-only event.

  • event – a valid SpecialEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • data – the special event data.

static inline caerSpecialEvent caerSpecialEventPacketFindEventByType(caerSpecialEventPacket packet, uint8_t type)

Get the first special event with the given event type in this event packet. This returns the first found event with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event.

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • type – the special event type to search for.


the requested special event or NULL on error/not found.

static inline caerSpecialEventConst caerSpecialEventPacketFindEventByTypeConst(caerSpecialEventPacketConst packet, uint8_t type)

Get the first special event with the given event type in this event packet. This returns the first found event with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event. The returned event is read-only!

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • type – the special event type to search for.


the requested read-only special event or NULL on error/not found.

static inline caerSpecialEvent caerSpecialEventPacketFindValidEventByType(caerSpecialEventPacket packet, uint8_t type)

Get the first valid special event with the given event type in this event packet. This returns the first found valid event with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event.

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • type – the special event type to search for.


the requested valid special event or NULL on error/not found.

static inline caerSpecialEventConst caerSpecialEventPacketFindValidEventByTypeConst(caerSpecialEventPacketConst packet, uint8_t type)

Get the first valid special event with the given event type in this event packet. This returns the first found valid event with that type ID, or NULL if we get to the end without finding any such event. The returned event is read-only!

  • packet – a valid SpecialEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • type – the special event type to search for.


the requested read-only valid special event or NULL on error/not found.

file spike.h
#include “common.h

Spike Events format definition and handling functions. This contains spikes generated by a neuron-array chip.



Shift and mask values for spike information associated with a Spike event. 32 core IDs, 64 chip IDs and up to a million neuron IDs are supported. Bit 0 is the valid mark, see ‘common.h’ for more details.


Iterator over all Spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEvent.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over all Spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEventConst.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Iterator over only the valid Spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEvent.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Iterator over only the valid Spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEventConst.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over all spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEvent.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over all spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEventConst.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


Reverse iterator over only the valid spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEvent.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Const-Reverse iterator over only the valid spike events in a packet. Returns the current index in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorCounter’ variable of type ‘int32_t’ and the current read-only event in the ‘caerSpikeIteratorElement’ variable of type caerSpikeEventConst.

SPIKE_PACKET: a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.


Reverse iterator close statement.


typedef struct caer_spike_event *caerSpikeEvent

Type for pointer to Spike event data structure.

typedef const struct caer_spike_event *caerSpikeEventConst
typedef struct caer_spike_event_packet *caerSpikeEventPacket

Type for pointer to Spike event packet data structure.

typedef const struct caer_spike_event_packet *caerSpikeEventPacketConst


PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_spike_event { uint32_t data;int32_t timestamp;})

Spike event data structure definition. This contains the core ID, the neuron ID and the timestamp of the received spike, together with the usual validity mark. Signed integers are used for fields that are to be interpreted directly, for compatibility with languages that do not have unsigned integer types, such as Java.

PACKED_STRUCT (struct caer_spike_event_packet { struct caer_event_packet_header packetHeader;struct caer_spike_event events[];})

Spike event packet data structure definition. EventPackets are always made up of the common packet header, followed by ‘eventCapacity’ events. Everything has to be in one contiguous memory block.

static inline caerSpikeEventPacket caerSpikeEventPacketAllocate(int32_t eventCapacity, int16_t eventSource, int32_t tsOverflow)

Allocate a new Spike events packet. Use free() to reclaim this memory.

  • eventCapacity – the maximum number of events this packet will hold.

  • eventSource – the unique ID representing the source/generator of this packet.

  • tsOverflow – the current timestamp overflow counter value for this packet.


a valid SpikeEventPacket handle or NULL on error.

static inline caerSpikeEventPacket caerSpikeEventPacketFromPacketHeader(caerEventPacketHeader header)

Transform a generic event packet header into a Spike event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerSpikeEventPacketConst caerSpikeEventPacketFromPacketHeaderConst(caerEventPacketHeaderConst header)

Transform a generic read-only event packet header into a read-only Spike event packet. This takes care of proper casting and checks that the packet type really matches the intended conversion type.


header – a valid read-only event packet header pointer. Cannot be NULL.


a properly converted, read-only typed event packet pointer.

static inline caerSpikeEvent caerSpikeEventPacketGetEvent(caerSpikeEventPacket packet, int32_t n)

Get the Spike event at the given index from the event packet.

  • packet – a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested Spike event. NULL on error.

static inline caerSpikeEventConst caerSpikeEventPacketGetEventConst(caerSpikeEventPacketConst packet, int32_t n)

Get the Spike event at the given index from the event packet. This is a read-only event, do not change its contents in any way!

  • packet – a valid SpikeEventPacket pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • n – the index of the returned event. Must be within [0,eventCapacity[ bounds.


the requested read-only Spike event. NULL on error.

static inline int32_t caerSpikeEventGetTimestamp(caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the 32bit event timestamp, in microseconds. Be aware that this wraps around! You can either ignore this fact, or handle the special ‘TIMESTAMP_WRAP’ event that is generated when this happens, or use the 64bit timestamp which never wraps around. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline int64_t caerSpikeEventGetTimestamp64(caerSpikeEventConst event, caerSpikeEventPacketConst packet)

Get the 64bit event timestamp, in microseconds. See ‘caerEventPacketHeaderGetEventTSOverflow()’ documentation for more details on the 64bit timestamp.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpikeEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.


this event’s 64bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline void caerSpikeEventSetTimestamp(caerSpikeEvent event, int32_t timestamp)

Set the 32bit event timestamp, the value has to be in microseconds.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • timestamp – a positive 32bit microsecond timestamp.

static inline bool caerSpikeEventIsValid(caerSpikeEventConst event)

Check if this Spike event is valid.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


true if valid, false if not.

static inline void caerSpikeEventValidate(caerSpikeEvent event, caerSpikeEventPacket packet)

Validate the current event by setting its valid bit to true and increasing the event packet’s event count and valid event count. Only works on events that are invalid. DO NOT CALL THIS AFTER HAVING PREVIOUSLY ALREADY INVALIDATED THIS EVENT, the total count will be incorrect.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpikeEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline void caerSpikeEventInvalidate(caerSpikeEvent event, caerSpikeEventPacket packet)

Invalidate the current event by setting its valid bit to false and decreasing the number of valid events held in the packet. Only works with events that are already valid!

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • packet – the SpikeEventPacket pointer for the packet containing this event. Cannot be NULL.

static inline uint8_t caerSpikeEventGetSourceCoreID(caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the source core ID.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the Spike’s source core ID.

static inline void caerSpikeEventSetSourceCoreID(caerSpikeEvent event, uint8_t sourceCoreID)

Set the source core ID.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • sourceCoreID – the Spike’s source core ID.

static inline uint8_t caerSpikeEventGetChipID(caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the chip ID.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the Spike’s chip ID.

static inline void caerSpikeEventSetChipID(caerSpikeEvent event, uint8_t chipID)

Set the chip ID.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • chipID – the Spike’s chip ID.

static inline uint32_t caerSpikeEventGetNeuronID(caerSpikeEventConst event)

Get the neuron ID.


event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.


the Spike’s neuron ID.

static inline void caerSpikeEventSetNeuronID(caerSpikeEvent event, uint32_t neuronID)

Set the neuron ID.

  • event – a valid SpikeEvent pointer. Cannot be NULL.

  • neuronID – the Spike’s neuron ID.

file dvs_noise.h
#include “../events/polarity.h

The DVS noise filter combines a HotPixel filter (high activity pixels), a Background-Activity filter (uncorrelated events), and a Refractory Period filter (limit event rate of a pixel). The HotPixel and Background-Activity filters reduce noise due to transistor mismatch, the Refractory Period filter can reduce the event rate and is efficient to implement together with the Background-Activity filter, requiring only one pixel memory map for both. Please note that the filter is not thread-safe, all function calls should happen on the same thread, unless you take care that they never overlap.



DVS HotPixel Filter: Turn on learning to determine which pixels are hot, meaning abnormally active within a certain time period. In the absence of external stimuli, the only pixels behaving as such must be noise. Once learning is enabled, do not disable it until completed. To verify completion, query this parameter and wait for it to switch from ‘true’ back to ‘false’.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Minimum time (in µs) to accumulate events for during learning.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Minimum number of events, during the given learning time, for a pixel to be considered hot.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Enable the hot pixel filter, filtering out the last learned hot pixels.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Number of events filtered out by the hot pixel filter.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Number of ON events filtered out by the hot pixel filter.


DVS HotPixel Filter: Number of OFF events filtered out by the hot pixel filter.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: enable the background-activity filter, which tries to remove events caused by transistor leakage, by rejecting uncorrelated events.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: specify the time difference constant for the background-activity filter in microseconds. Events that do correlated within this time-frame are let through, while others are filtered out.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: number of events filtered out by the background-activity filter.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: number of ON events filtered out by the background-activity filter.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: number of OFF events filtered out by the background-activity filter.


DVS Refractory Period Filter: enable the refractory period filter, which limits the firing rate of pixels.


DVS Refractory Period Filter: specify the time constant for the refractory period filter. Pixels will be inhibited from generating new events during this time after the last even has fired.


DVS Refractory Period Filter: number of events filtered out by the refractory period filter.


DVS Refractory Period Filter: number of ON events filtered out by the refractory period filter.


DVS Refractory Period Filter: number of OFF events filtered out by the refractory period filter.


DVS Noise Filter: set a custom log-level for an instance of the DVS Noise filter.


DVS Noise Filter: reset this instance of the filter to its initial state, forgetting any learned hot pixels and clearing the timestamp map and the statistics. This does not change or reset the configuration.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: repeat the background-activity check, that at least one neighbor pixel supports this pixel, on each pixel that supported the current pixel in turn, basically repeating the check for a second level of pixels.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: minimum number of pixels in the immediate neighborhood that must support the current pixel for it to be considered valid.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: maximum number of pixels in the immediate neighborhood that can support the current pixel for it to be considered valid.


DVS Background-Activity Filter: whether polarity is considered when searching the neighbors for supporting activity.


typedef struct caer_filter_dvs_pixel *caerFilterDVSPixel

Pointer to DVS pixel address structure.

typedef struct caer_filter_dvs_noise *caerFilterDVSNoise

Pointer to DVS noise filter structure (private).


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY caerFilterDVSNoise caerFilterDVSNoiseInitialize (uint16_t sizeX, uint16_t sizeY)

Allocate memory and initialize the DVS noise filter. This filter combines a HotPixel filter (high activity pixels), a Background-Activity filter (uncorrelated events), and a Refractory Period filter (limit event rate of a pixel). The HotPixel and Background-Activity filters reduce noise due to transistor mismatch, the Refractory Period filter can reduce the event rate and is efficient to implement together with the Background-Activity filter, requiring only one pixel memory map for both. At initialization, all filters are disabled. You must configure and enable them using caerFilterDVSNoiseConfigSet(). You must specify the maximum resolution at initialization, as it is used to set up efficient lookup tables.

  • sizeX – maximum X axis resolution.

  • sizeY – maximum Y axis resolution.


DVS noise filter instance, NULL on error.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY void caerFilterDVSNoiseDestroy (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter)

Destroy a DVS noise filter instance and free its memory.


noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY void caerFilterDVSNoiseApply (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter, caerPolarityEventPacket polarity)

Apply the DVS noise filter to the given polarity events packet. This will filter out events by marking them as invalid, depending on the given filter configuration.

  • noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

  • polarity – a valid polarity event packet. If NULL, no operation is performed.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY void caerFilterDVSNoiseStatsApply (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter, caerPolarityEventPacketConst polarity)

Apply the DVS noise filter to the given polarity events packet. This will only gather statistics on the noise, without changing the event packet at all!

  • noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

  • polarity – a valid polarity event packet. If NULL, no operation is performed.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerFilterDVSNoiseConfigSet (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter, uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t param)

Set DVS noise filter configuration parameters.

  • noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

  • paramAddr – a configuration parameter address, see defines CAER_FILTER_DVS_*.

  • param – a configuration parameter value integer.


true if operation successful, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY bool caerFilterDVSNoiseConfigGet (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter, uint8_t paramAddr, uint64_t *param)

Get DVS noise filter configuration parameters.

  • noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

  • paramAddr – a configuration parameter address, see defines CAER_FILTER_DVS_*.

  • param – a pointer to a configuration parameter value integer, in which to store the current value.


true if operation successful, false otherwise.

LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY ssize_t caerFilterDVSNoiseGetHotPixels (caerFilterDVSNoise noiseFilter, caerFilterDVSPixel *hotPixels)

Get an array of currently learned hot pixels, in order of activity (most active first, least active last). Useful for working with hardware-based pixel filtering (FPGA/CPLD).

  • noiseFilter – a valid DVS noise filter instance.

  • hotPixels – array of DVS pixel addresses, sorted by activity (most active first). Memory will be allocated for it automatically. On error, the pointer is set to NULL. Remember to free() the memory once done!


number of hot pixels in array, 0 if no hot pixels were found; or -1 if an error occurred.

file frame_utils.h
#include “events/frame.h

Functions for frame enhancement and demosaicing. Basic variants that don’t require any external dependencies, such as OpenCV. Use of the OpenCV variants is recommended for quality and performance, and can optionally be enabled at build-time.


enum caer_frame_utils_demosaic_types


enum caer_frame_utils_contrast_types


enum caer_frame_utils_pixel_color


enumerator PX_COLOR_R
enumerator PX_COLOR_B
enumerator PX_COLOR_G1
enumerator PX_COLOR_G2
enumerator PX_COLOR_W


LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY void caerFrameUtilsDemosaic (caerFrameEventConst inputFrame, caerFrameEvent outputFrame, enum caer_frame_utils_demosaic_types demosaicType)
LIBRARY_PUBLIC_VISIBILITY void caerFrameUtilsContrast (caerFrameEventConst inputFrame, caerFrameEvent outputFrame, enum caer_frame_utils_contrast_types contrastType)
enum caer_frame_utils_pixel_color caerFrameUtilsPixelColor(enum caer_frame_event_color_filter colorFilter, int32_t x, int32_t y)
file log.h
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>

Logging functions to print useful messages for the user.




typedef void (*caerLogCallback)(const char *msg, size_t msgLength)

Logging callback, called on any caerLog() invocation. Arguments are the full log string resulting from the caerLog() calls, plus its size (excluding trailing NUL byte).


enum caer_log_level

Log levels for caerLog() logging function. Log messages only get printed if their log level is equal or above the global system log level, which can be set with caerLogLevelSet(). The default log level is CAER_LOG_ERROR. CAER_LOG_EMERGENCY is the most urgent log level and will always be printed, while CAER_LOG_DEBUG is the least urgent log level and will only be delivered if configured by the user.


enumerator CAER_LOG_ALERT
enumerator CAER_LOG_ERROR
enumerator CAER_LOG_NOTICE
enumerator CAER_LOG_INFO
enumerator CAER_LOG_DEBUG


__attribute__((visibility("default"))) void caerLogLevelSet(enum caer_log_level logLevel)

Set the system-wide log level. Log messages will only be printed if their level is equal or above this level.

Get the current system-wide log level. Log messages are only printed if their level is equal or above this level.

Set callback function to be used on each log message.

Get current callback function for log messages.

Set to which file descriptors log messages are sent. Up to two different file descriptors can be configured here. By default logging to STDERR only is enabled. If both file descriptors are identical, logging to it will only happen once, as if the second one was disabled.

Get the current output file descriptor 1.

Get the current output file descriptor 2.

Disable all logging for this thread only. Call again with different argument to re-enable.

Status of logging for this thread.

Main logging function. This function takes messages, formats them and sends them out to a file descriptor, respecting the system-wide log level setting and prepending the current time, the log level and a user-specified common string to the actual formatted output. The format is specified exactly as with the printf() family of functions. Please see their manual-page for more information.

Secondary logging function. This function takes messages, formats them and sends them out to a file descriptor, respecting the system-wide log level setting and prepending the current time, the log level and a user-specified common string to the actual formatted output. The format is specified exactly as with the printf() family of functions. The argument list is a va_list as returned by va_start(), following the vprintf() family of functions in its functionality. Please see their manual-page for more information.

Tertiary logging function. This function takes messages, formats them and sends them out via up to two file descriptors and a callback; allows a user-given system log level setting to also be specified, and then prepends the current time, the message log level and a user-specified common string to the actual formatted output. The format is specified exactly as with the printf() family of functions. The argument list is a va_list as returned by va_start(), following the vprintf() family of functions in its functionality. Please see their manual-page for more information.

  • logLevel – the system-wide log level.

  • callback – the callback function. NULL to disable.

  • fd1 – first file descriptor to log to. A negative value will disable it.

  • fd2 – second file descriptor to log to. A negative value will disable it.

  • disableLogging – true to disable logging for this thread, false to enable it again.

  • logLevel – the message-specific log level.

  • subSystem – a common, user-specified string to prepend before the message.

  • format – the message format string (see printf()).

  • ... – the parameters to be formatted according to the format string (see printf()).

  • logLevel – the message-specific log level.

  • subSystem – a common, user-specified string to prepend before the message.

  • format – the message format string (see printf()).

  • args – the parameters to be formatted according to the format string (see printf()). This is an argument list as returned by va_start().

  • systemLogLevel – the system-wide log level.

  • logLevel – the message-specific log level.

  • subSystem – a common, user-specified string to prepend before the message.

  • format – the message format string (see printf()).

  • args – the parameters to be formatted according to the format string (see printf()). This is an argument list as returned by va_start().


the current system-wide log level.


the current output file descriptor 1.


the current output file descriptor 2.


true if logging is disabled for this thread, false if it is enabled.


int fd2
const char *subSystem
const char const char * format
const char const char const char const char va_list args
file network.h
#include “libcaer.h”

Useful functions for AEDAT 3.X network streams.




PACKED_STRUCT (struct aedat3_network_header { int64_t magicNumber;int64_t sequenceNumber;int8_t versionNumber;int8_t formatNumber;int16_t sourceID;})
static inline struct aedat3_network_header caerParseNetworkHeader(const uint8_t *dataBuffer)
file portable_endian.h
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

Endianness conversion functions for a wide variety of systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.


static inline float htobeflt(float val)
static inline float htoleflt(float val)
static inline float beflttoh(float val)
static inline float leflttoh(float val)
file ringbuffer.h
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


typedef struct caer_ring_buffer *caerRingBuffer


caerRingBuffer caerRingBufferInit(size_t size)
void caerRingBufferFree(caerRingBuffer rBuf)
bool caerRingBufferPut(caerRingBuffer rBuf, void *elem)
bool caerRingBufferFull(caerRingBuffer rBuf)
void *caerRingBufferGet(caerRingBuffer rBuf)
void *caerRingBufferLook(caerRingBuffer rBuf)
bool caerRingBufferEmpty(caerRingBuffer rBuf)
file davis.hpp
#include “../events/frame.hpp
#include “../events/imu6.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file device.hpp
#include “../libcaer.hpp
#include “../events/utils.hpp
#include <memory>
#include <string>
file device_discover.hpp
#include “davis.hpp
#include “device.hpp
#include “dvs128.hpp
#include “dvs132s.hpp
#include “dvxplorer.hpp
#include “dynapse.hpp
#include “edvs.hpp
#include “samsung_evk.hpp
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
file dvs128.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file dvs132s.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file dvxplorer.hpp
#include “../events/imu6.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file dynapse.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “../events/spike.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file edvs.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “serial.hpp
file samsung_evk.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include “../events/special.hpp
#include “usb.hpp
file serial.hpp
#include “device.hpp
file usb.hpp
#include “device.hpp
file common.hpp
#include “../libcaer.hpp
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
file frame.hpp
#include “common.hpp


file imu6.hpp
#include “common.hpp
file imu9.hpp
#include “common.hpp
file packetContainer.hpp
#include “common.hpp
#include “utils.hpp
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
file polarity.hpp
#include “common.hpp
file special.hpp
#include “common.hpp
file spike.hpp
#include “common.hpp
file utils.hpp
#include “common.hpp
#include “frame.hpp
#include “imu6.hpp
#include “imu9.hpp
#include “polarity.hpp
#include “special.hpp
#include “spike.hpp
#include <memory>
file dvs_noise.hpp
#include “../events/polarity.hpp
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
file libcaer.hpp
#include “../libcaer/libcaer.h”
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
file network.hpp
#include “../libcaer/network.h
#include “libcaer.hpp
file ringbuffer.hpp
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>


dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/devices
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaercpp/devices
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/events
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaercpp/events
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer/filters
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaercpp/filters
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaer
dir /builds/inivation/dv/libcaer/include/libcaercpp